Guti Clocks 100 Years
5 May 2023
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By-Forward in Faith International Ministries (ZAOGA) founder Bishop Ezekiel Gutu has turned 100.

 Guti was born on May 5, 1923, in Ngaone, Chipinge, Zimbabwe.

Archbishop Ezekiel Guti posted on Facebook:

100 years of God’s grace, with several church leaders joining in to celebrate his birthday.

Pastor Mukhuba celebrated the 100th birthday of Archbishop Dr Ezekiel Guti, calling him a man of God who is still going strong and acknowledging it as the grace of the Lord. Pastor Mukhuba said:

Happy Birthday to the Archbishop & we are really inspired. We honor this general because God has been using him to impact many lives & he has done a lot for the Kingdom of the Father. Wow!

Apostle Pride Sibiya of Bethel Worship Centre of Glory Ministries celebrated Guti by quoting Habakkuk 2:2-3, saying that every visionary should come and write their vision clearly so that those who read it can run with it and that the vision will come at its appointed time and not tarry. He added:

What a life well lived, Archbishop Ezekiel Handinawangu Guti!

The Fullness of Life Ministries Int’l celebrated the 100th birthday of Apostle Ezekiel Guti, also celebrating his 75 years of active ministry and his position as the general overseer of Forward in Faith Ministries in Zimbabwe. They called him a “God’s general” and asked people to pray for him and bless him on this occasion.

Christ Revealed Worldwide Ministries celebrated the 100th birthday of Apostle Ezekiel Guti, describing him as their spiritual father and expressing gratitude for his apostleship and the impact it has had on their prophet. They used the hashtags #CRWMAltar and #ZVATENDERWA-HP&HG.

Divine Kingdom Baptist Ministries, led by Dr. Ian Ndlovu and their leadership board, wished Apostle Ezekiel Guti a happy 100th birthday. They praised his leadership, work ethic, integrity, church planting and soul-winning efforts, and humility, and called him an example for Christians in Zimbabwe and worldwide to emulate. They prayed for God’s blessings on him and his ministry for many more fruitful years.

Tinashe Michael Sello celebrated the life of Apostle Ezekiel Guti, calling him a true legend who has touched the lives of millions of people around the world through his dedication to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sello praised Guti’s kindness, generosity, wisdom, and unwavering faith, as well as his commitment to the growth and development of the Zaoga Church and the countless lives transformed through his ministry. He added:

Happy birthday, Apostle Guti!

G.N Exploits Ministries wished Archbishop Ezekiel Guti a happy 100th birthday, calling him a man of God, a general sent from God to show the way. They emphasized the importance of celebrating elders and fathers as young ministers and wished Guti a long life and a joyful birthday in Jesus Christ’s name.

Apostle B Java Ministries celebrated Archbishop Dr. EH Guti with a picture and a caption that read “Celebrating you.”

Some Zimbabwean musicians also congratulated the preacher for attaining 100 years.

Musician Sir Benjamin Rupapa celebrated Archbishop Ezekiel Guti’s 100th birthday by honouring the impact Guti has made on his life and the lives of people around the world through 75 years of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Rupapa shared a video in honour of Guti and joined in the celebration with ZAOGA FIF MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL, calling Guti a great apostle, a legend, and a bondservant of God.

Musician Mathias Mhere wished a happy birthday to Professor Ezekiel Guti, calling him “baba vedu” (our father) and using the hashtag #centenarian. Mhere prayed for God’s continued blessings on Guti.

Musician Janet Manyowa wished Archbishop Ezekiel Guti a happy 100th birthday, praising him as a leader and servant of God who has dedicated his life to the gospel and shown wisdom in his service. She prayed for God’s blessings on Guti and wished him more life.