By- The leader of the opposition CCC, Nelson Chamisa has vowed to ensure that State institutions operate professionally without being corrupted by the Executive if he is elected the country’s next president on 23 August.
Chamisa narrowly lost to President Emmerson Mnangagwa in 2018 after he garnered 44.3% of the vote, while the latter got 50.8% of the vote, according to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC).
On Wednesday, 07 June, Chamisa said he would ensure that Government officials and civil servants are non-partisan and act professionally in discharging their duties. He said:
THE WORST CRIME any sitting Head of State can ever commit is to corrupt state institutions and functionaries.
In a NEW REPUBLIC under a CITIZENS’ GOVERNMENT, we will not pollute and contaminate those who preside over the affairs of the state using trinkets, trappings and other pollutants.
Public officials shall never be allowed to be partisan, sloganeer, or parrot political party nonsense in the corridors of government.
Zimbabwe’s resources and money shall not be abused to buy political survival. It’s time for new leaders!
Critics say ZANU PF has corrupted State institutions such as the Judiciary, security forces, and traditional leaders, among others, so that they have become extensions of the ruling party.
ZANU PF has been accused of abusing the courts to punish opposition politicians, with the arrest of Zengeza West MP Job Sikhala, being used as an example of the capture of the judiciary by the ruling party.
Sikhala, who has been in pre-trial detention since June 2022, was recently denied bail for the fifteenth time.
He was arrested and charged with inciting violence, accused of threatening to avenge the murder of opposition activist, Moreblessing Ali, an allegation that has been dismissed by critics as politically motivated.
Chamisa Sets Out Post Elections Plans
7 June 2023