Mnangagwa DJ Property Attached Over Unpaid Bills
13 September 2023
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MASVINGO – A local Masvingo teacher whose fame rose after he became master of ceremony at various Emmerson Mnangagwa rallies is in trouble after his property was attached for failing to pay for a Public Address (PA) system.

The attached property under order MSVPSCC161/23 is a defy deep refrigerator, an upright Capri refrigerator, a plasma 65-inch Ecco television, a four-piece lounge set, and a wooden television stand.

David Masomere, a teacher at Ndarama High School in Masvingo is the one whose voice has gone viral on social media calling for Jah Prayzah to stop playing music at Mnangagwa’s inauguration on Monday.Masomere said in court he would not pay the company that hired him for the PA system because the owner is a Zanu PF supporter like him. He said they were rendering their services to the party for free and would receive a token of appreciation from Zanu PF.

“Jah Prayzah chirega, Hello, let’s stop, Jah Prayzah chimira Jah Prayzah, Chimira, Chimira Tazvinzwa, thank you Jah Prayzah,” shouted Masomere and July Moyo.

However, the new Zanu PF MC was taken to court for failing to pay the PA hired from Meldwin-Tech Investments and used at 11 rallies.

Masvingo Magistrate Isaac Chikura ruled in favour of Meldwin-Tech Investments. Masomere hired the PA for US$1 080 but only paid US$380.

An initial default order was granted on July 28, 2023. Masomere through his lawyer Knowledge Mabvuure of Chihambakwe Law Chambers, applied for a rescission of judgment, which was dismissed with costs on Tuesday.

He argued that he did not enter into an agreement with Meldwin-Tech Investments…