Build More Prisons For Us, Komichi Tells Mnangagwa
29 February 2024
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By A Correspondent| In a bold and unyielding statement, former MDC Chairman Morgan Komichi has issued a stern warning to Zanu PF over reported moves to extend President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s term beyond the constitutional limit of two terms.

Komichi cautioned that such actions would not go unchallenged, as he vowed that the opposition party would resist with determination, even if it meant putting their lives on the line.

In a tweet posted earlier today, Komichi expressed his concern, stating, “Zanupf should stand warned that if they decide to play with the Presidential Term Limits by arbitrarily extending it, they should be equally prepared to build more prisons because currently prisons will not be able to accommodate us. We say NO!! WE WILL RESIST WITH OUR LIVES.”

The tweet comes amidst growing speculation and concern within the political landscape regarding potential moves by Zanu PF to extend President Mnangagwa’s reign, sparking debates over the adherence to constitutional provisions.

The Zimbabwean Constitution explicitly limits a president to two terms in office, a provision that was seen as a safeguard against the entrenchment of power.