Thefts at Bishop Nehemiah Mutendi’s Farm Amidst Past Security Concerns
15 May 2024
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In a concerning turn of events, Bishop Nehemiah Mutendi, leader of the Zion Christian Church (ZCC) in Gokwe and a notable figure recently linked to a promised donation by convicted fraudster Wicknell Chivayo, has suffered another security breach at his property. This recent incident involved the theft of two goats from his farm, marking another episode of misfortune following a violent robbery at his brother’s farm in December 2024.

The theft occurred on May 1, 2024, when Christian Hamadziripi, a 28-year-old herdboy employed at the ZCC farm, was caught red-handed stealing goats. Clever Mupindu, a security guard, apprehended Hamadziripi following a tip-off and intercepted him as he was taking the goats from their pen. The magistrate, Grace Tupiri, sentenced Hamadziripi to nine months in jail, later commuted to 310 hours of community service, highlighting a stern response to crime within the community.

This incident shadows a grievous robbery at the farm of Herbert Mutendi, Bishop Mutendi’s brother, where he was shot and robbed by armed assailants. The attackers made off with significant valuables, escalating concerns about security around the Mutendi family’s properties.

The local police are on high alert, and community members are urged to cooperate with law enforcement to prevent further criminal activities. The ZCC community and the Mutendi family continue to recover from these unsettling events, hoping for peace and safety in their endeavors.- Agencies/MasvingoMirror