Zanu PF Threatens To Arrest S*x Workers For Rejecting ZIG
24 May 2024
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By A Correspondent

In a desperate move, the ruling Zanu PF regime has threatened to arrest commercial sex workers in Gweru for refusing to accept the new currency known as Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG).

This development underscores the growing tension and dissatisfaction surrounding the newly introduced currency.

On Thursday, Zanu PF’s online propagandists, known as Varakashi, made a stark declaration regarding the situation.

“Sei vakadzi vonomira pamadziro eMidlands Hotel vari kuramba kutora maZiG? Ngavasungwe,” they stated, which translates to, “Why are the women standing by the walls of Midlands Hotel refusing to take ZiG? They should be arrested.”

The introduction of Zimbabwe Gold was meant to stabilize the country’s economy, which has been plagued by hyperinflation and a lack of confidence in the local currency.

However, the new currency has faced significant resistance from various sectors of society, including commercial sex workers, who cite a lack of trust and practicality as key reasons for their refusal.

One sex worker, who chose to remain anonymous, expressed her concerns: “We can’t accept ZiG because it is not widely recognized or trusted.

Clients also don’t want to use it, so how can we? Arresting us for trying to survive in this economy is unjust.”

The Zanu PF government’s threat to arrest those rejecting the currency reveals the desperation and coercion tactics being employed to enforce its acceptance.

This move has sparked outrage and condemnation from human rights advocates and economic analysts alike.

Economic expert Tendai Moyo commented on the situation, stating, “Forcing acceptance of a currency through threats of arrest is not a sustainable economic policy.

The government needs to build trust and ensure that the currency is stable and usable. Coercion will only lead to further resistance and undermine confidence in the economy.”

The plight of commercial sex workers in Zimbabwe reflects broader societal challenges, including economic instability and governmental pressure.

The rejection of Zimbabwe Gold by this vulnerable group highlights the urgent need for a more inclusive and effective economic strategy that addresses the concerns of all citizens without resorting to threats and punitive measures.