A heartbreaking incident has shocked the community of Bakenberg Mahlaba, under Ward 11 of Mogalakwena Local Municipality. On 12 August 2024, the lifeless body of a newborn baby was discovered in a pit toilet after having been discarded by its mother. The baby belonged to a 20-year-old mother, who also has a 13-month-old toddler. The incident has raised grave concerns within the community, leaving many searching for answers.
According to reports, the tragic discovery was made yesterday, and the case has since been handed over to social workers. The police are conducting further investigations to determine the circumstances that led to the infant’s death. At this point, the mother has not been arrested, pending the results of the investigation.
Ward Councillor Tebogo Mashabane expressed his deep sorrow and concern over the incident. Speaking on behalf of the community leadership, Councillor Mashabane emphasized the need for the law to take its course. He stressed that such actions cannot go unpunished, as allowing them to do so could set a dangerous precedent within the community.
“We are waiting for updates from the police on how this case will be handled,” Councillor Mashabane stated. “As leaders, we must ensure that justice is served and that this tragic event does not lead to further harm or similar incidents within our community.”
The involvement of social workers indicates that the situation is being treated with the necessary sensitivity, but it also highlights the need for community support and awareness to prevent such tragedies in the future.
As investigations continue, the community is left to grapple with the sorrow and uncertainty that this incident has brought to light.
Further updates on the case are expected as the police and social workers continue their work.
Limpopo Newspaper