Auxillia Mnangagwa Walks Into Health Danger Zone, Is She Genuine?
22 December 2017
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Annete Bongiwe
Annete Bongiwe | Just so I don’t have to say this again… my response to hospital visits by the high and mighty, both yesterday and all other days to come!

Sithule Nicole Tshuma thank you for provoking this discussion. I will pen my two cents. I work at UBH. I bring my heart to work everyday, not fruits or fees ($15 per patient) and find there are no essential drugs, no surgical sundries, no basic lab tests and no basic radiology services, no x Ray films! We cancel people’s operations, even emergencies because of the issues listed above, and stupid reasons like the laundry machine is not working so no sterile linen, the suction machine is not working etc.

We have had the same CEO and minister for years both presiding over a failing hospital while their own packs continue to swell. The President has the power to dis-appoint both but no, he hasn’t! So I’ll not even touch the legitimacy of this new administration, neither will I speak about the abuse of our people in campaign trails, I will just stick to my everyday experience as I toil to serve my people… I will tell you that such visits are an insult that should never be applauded or repeated. When they come the shelves are suddenly full of surgical gloves, surgical blades, theatre caps etc which the First Lady didn’t buy, but the hospital administration buys to appease the visitor. And then they disappear again as soon as she’s gone! Please stop! Stop! I beg you! Stop! Our people need genuine leaders who will lay down their lives for the people… leaders with real principles and values, who understand that their power is given them by the people to serve and not subdue! I rest my case!

18 Replies to “Auxillia Mnangagwa Walks Into Health Danger Zone, Is She Genuine?”

  1. If that sounds shallow then you must be brain dead for sure or literally a walking dead man because Junior Zenko never sugar coated anything or tell fibs but narrated exactly the way events happened on that fateful day when ED fell ill or got poisoned. You’re hurt to the core by the truth and only a planted agent on social media working for your supper can feel like that !
    Very true its always about them and never ever about the generality of Zimbabweans…….See you at the 2018 elections !

  2. My early learning experience taught me something called “Off Topic” This discussion is centred on Mrs Munangagwa’s visists to Healthe Inistitution and you come from nowhere with your wild imaginations about looting. The guy you accuse of looting is the country’s president whether you like or not. The wife could help the health institutions by influencing her husband’s focus. For your own information there was a line about services at Health centres in the SONA. Where do you think it came from? You can write your own opinion article about Munangagwa’s looting and we will read it. For now let us discuss Mrs Munangagwa’s visit and the views expressed by Annete Bongiwe.

  3. The Health Situation in Zimbabwe is very serious and sensitive. I guess all we need here is to be practical and very professional about it. Lets do a thorough HEALTH CAPACITY ASSESSMENT in a very transparent manner without pointing fingers at the staff or politicians. The health sector is a delicate area which we need to safeguard and highly prioritize at this point. Thereafter we need a thorough NEEDS ASSESSMENT and prioritize the needs. The civil service, particularly the health professionals are really affected by the levels of poverty in Zimbabwe, they are not motivated and most of them are still bitter. So then we should approach them in a considerate manner and taking into cognizance that most of the young professionals were not ADEQUATELY and PROFESSIONALLY trained because since 2000, their senior capable mentors left the country fleeing low salaries and went for greener pastures, so the current nursing staff and accountancy staff may not be really professional. We are all conversant with what happened in Zimbabwe. Therefore, when we choose to do some needs assessment or any small survey, may we get a professional medical team of technocrats to do so. Political assessments and surveillance systems like some spying intelligentsia will not solve the situation but will worsen it. So, after constituting a professional public health team, we can find out the human resources gaps, logistics, transport, bedding, pharmaceuticals and drugs shortages, health fees issues, public relations issues and then make professional in-service training, replacements and quietly procure what is needed. We can even enlist the support of private sector [I saw Mimosa doing a wonderful job in some hospitals], WHO and other civil society. I submit that we need to tread carefully and professionally into this sector.

  4. Mukori yours is an oppose for the sake of. You failed elsewhere and now think this is where to do it. This go t has hardly been there amonth. Spate us your antics

  5. If you sleep and eat with a crocodile you are one too. Has she just landed from Mars for her not to know what is happening in the hospitals. Why did her husband fly all the way to South Africa for treatment after the so called poisoning when there was Mpilo nearby. These people are cruel, greedy and taking us for a ride. Like the husband said they can continue barking as we continue to rule. They are ruthless and evil, we continue to take our families to these hellhole hospitals while they all go to other countries for their own treatment. I feel sorry for the people who work in these unhealthy filthy hospitals and the poor Zimbabweans who have to pay money upfront to get any kind of treatment all these years. What will a visit do to those who are languishing in these disgusting hospitals while she goes back to her luxurious dwelling and more. How greedy can one be to campaign using such cheap visits, I ask myself? Its always about them not about “ruzhinji rwevanhu”
    thank you very much

  6. This was just a political gimmick no different from Grace Mugabe opening an orphanage one day and the the next booting out the peasants off a farm to add to her many farms! It is no secret that hospitals in Zimbabwe are in a sorry state because of decades of under funding. Why has she done nothing to stop the looting that has gone on unchecked all these last 37 years!!!!

  7. You are a not very wise. Politicians need to visit those hospitals and see the state of healthcare. You sound like you want to continue making yourself bosses of patients instead of being at the service of patients

  8. when you attack the first lady because you have hatred for the president you will not win . you have not conducted any investigation yet you find it ok to make accusations/ investigate firstthen open your mouth

  9. Nonsense! Why has she done nothing to stop her husband looting? She watched people being frog marched to vote for her, why did she do nothing to stop it?

  10. “I will tell you that such visits are an insult that should never be applauded or repeated”.

    I agree with you 100% particularly when those doing these publicity gimmicks are the wives of the same individuals who have rob the people blind these last 37 years. How many billions of dollars has President Mnangagwa looted to afford mansion and vast business empire. Charity begins at home, ask your husband to give up some of the looted wealth so hospitals can have drugs, clean running water, etc.

    If there was one the poor hate with a passion, it is these thieving chefs using a tiny fraction of the looted wealth to help the poor and then making a big song and dance about it and the poor are expected to be forever grateful. The give with one hand and steal a thousand hold with the other and we are to be grateful!

  11. Mrs Munangagwa is doing us a huge service. She can retell first hand to the president the conditions people meet in hospitals. We want to thank her for that work . Health professional should not feel threatened by mrs Munangagwas visit to the extent they have to start building walls around their profession so it is difficult for the first lady to visit hospitals. The world over first ladies visit such places as hospitals schools. We do not expect our health professionals to be justifying themselves as do gooders in an effort to carve their work spaces and fence them against the first lady. If indeed they are doing good work it is visible to everybody

  12. Thanx for bringing this up. At Masvingo general hospital, people are now scared to take their relatives especially if they need surgical operations. Some people walk into the hospital and are wrongly diagnosed and operated, however the majority have lost life in the hospital or within two weeks after they have been operated. Amai Mnangagwa mototibatsira kusvitsa zvichemo zvedu kuna vaMnangagwa ne investigation of a/some medical doctor(s) with dubious qualifications who are killing people willy-nilly. This is very urgent!!

  13. Do we even have a minister in the health sector??…..a surprise dossier for this incompetent health minister criminal in the form David is the way to go.

  14. In August 2017 I took a young man to Masvingo hospital to see if he could be diagnosed by a qualified person. What followed was very interesting:
    1 Medical staff advised us to cut corners by paying for people to react to us if we wanted him to be seen on the day.
    2 We paid and he was seen on the day
    3 Those who could not pay we left them there.
    4 We were waiting from morning till late afternoon.

    The hospital was generally VERY dirty.
    The professionals were not at all professional.

    The visits by Mrs Mnangagwa are very telling in that they were by here for political reasons. The person who should have visited many many times and over the years is one uncouth minister by the name of Dr Parirenyatwa, a most idle minister indeed.

    It took one Chinotimba (a chap most people find comical, who is infinitely wiser than Dr Parirenyatwa) to highlight the fact that filth in the cities could result in Cholera if not cleaned out before the rainy season. Chinotimba’s efforts were not supported by Parirenyatwa, showing clearly that he had no idea what Chinotiba was even talking about.

    Now these visits will not cause Parirenyatwa to react in any way unless Mnangagwa tells him to do something about it directly.

  15. You have said nothing in any case this was a surprise visit and how did the shelves find themselves full under such circumstances???there maybe be a shortage of drugs and so on but it does not give the health stuff a ticket to hurl insults at patients , i am sorry mom you may have provoked your own ignorance by penning this clueless article.

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