Mnangagwa Blocks United Nations
16 April 2017
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Staff Reporter| Presidential aspirant Emmerson Mnangagwa has blocked the United Nations Development Program from assisting in Zimbabwe’s biometric voter registration preparations.

Mnangagwa refused to surrender the running of the process to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) saying Zimbabwe is a sovereign nation.

“Zimbabwe is a Republic,” he said. “The UNDP is found in Botswana, Malawi Tanzania, Haiti, Bangladesh, it is found everywhere. But these are sovereign countries and governments.

“It is not UNDP that decided we want biometric voter registration, it is us Zimbabweans. We may go to UNDP to ask for resources to support our programmes and not for UNDP to run us. Ah taramba.

“We have agreed as the Executive that we will have biometric voter registration. Yes, initially, we had difficulties of resources, but the President insisted that we must find resources and at the end of the day (Finance Minister Patrick) Chinamasa found resources, so we gave it to ZEC to look for the equipment.”

Opposition parties under the National Election Reform Agenda staged demonstrations alleging that Government, ZEC in particular, deviated from an all inclusive meeting where it was agreed that UNDP would assist in providing funds and procurement of the kits.

Mnangagwa denied that Government had deviated from any agreement and challenged opposition parties to approach the courts if they were aggrieved on any Government decision regarding the procurement of biometric voter registration kits. (state media/additional reporting)

0 Replies to “Mnangagwa Blocks United Nations”

  1. Tati maroad blocks akawandisa. And there is more of terrorisation and extortion of basically law-abiding citizens at these road blocks. We didn’t say we don’t want policing. We want best practice/world class policing that effectively discriminates between criminals and law-abiding citizens. I must admit that there are some among the police force who are professional and helpful and we salute those. But a large number of them are criminal and use crude tactics and practices. Those we don’t want.

  2. Selfish,very selfish Mnangagwa. Denying Zimbabwe its livelihood though greed and selfishness. You behave as though you created the world !! All this will end one day.Of that you can rest assured. Drivers of state mediocrity .Where is the love for your country or love for your own self ? It’s none existent .But like I said , watch this space , it will all end some day . Boot licker!!!!!