Stunner Blows Up Manhood!
11 January 2017
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The entire manhood has been blown up and become unsettled through Stunner’s bloop. Below is an article by a ZimEye reader.

Freedom Kupovho | We have had enough of Stunner and Olinda drama and let me make this my last comment and advice to Stunner on a man to man basis. My advice is solely based on a genuine ordinary man who meets a woman and has a fixation either way and affection that resultantly leads to marriage or civil partnership. Stunner, everyone knows that he is based and resides in Zimbabwe where he practices his music career.

Olinda we all know is UK based and travels to Zimbabwe regularly for both business and matrimonial reasons. So, in terms of traditional and usual practices we are all well informed and aware that when partners get officially married, the wife moves in to live with the husband, in other words the wife relocates to be with the husband where ever the husband might be. The husband having paid lobola automatically acquires a certain degree of responsibility in terms of providing a decent home and surroundings for the wife.

In this regard and taking a close observation on the Stunner/Olinda set up, the husband moves into a wife’s home? Munin’ina Stunner you don’t do that. No matter what benefits that arrangement brings, it’s never guaranteed or secure to get into that kind of an arrangement.

That’s the reason your wife exploded with anger and did not even hesitate to make everything public to get sympathy. That alone has been the determinant factor to conclude and judge you accordingly. Akaroorwa ndiyani apa? Clearly from how this whole drama unfolded, 90% of the public believe wakaroorwa na Olinda, moved into Olinda’s home and now being looked after by Olinda instead of the other way round.

Olinda is taking all responsibilities of a man, father, Baba vemba when you are nowhere near any duties but rather sleeping around without an inch of showing faith and respect for Olinda’s commitment and love. My Brother, if this set up remains as it is, you will neither see peace nor privacy in that household.

Olinda’s dominance in that union will forever be your source of public scrutiny and abuse because she will never keep it to herself but tell anyone anytime. It’s either you work hard to turn around the tables or you quit for peace and respect. My brother the ball is now in your court, to be respected or to be a laughing stock. A continuation of public appearances for the wrong reasons will do no good to your music career.

Also taking into account that you are practising your career in a hostile environment where only the best, clean, role models will survive. To supplement whatever you get from music, you also need to be endorsed for marketing communications by those few businesses operating in Zimbabwe, that is if you stand out to be a role model and inspirational to young people.

This is not the best for your CV for companies and other organisations to consider you for celebrity endorsements. To be a celebrity, under normal circumstances carries a whole load of responsibilities that benefit not only to you but people around you. Without those people around you, the title “celebrity” is worthless and meaningless.

The same people who make it possible for you to be defined as “celebrity” deserve to be respected the same way you respect yourself. If they decide to boycott every piece of music that you release, shows that you advertise, clothing lines that you design, they can do it. The public hold the key for you to reach the pinnacle of your career. You did mention in your interview that you have a manager.

What does he manage? Have a code of conduct which you seriously adhere to. There is a mess that needs a thorough cleaning. I sincerely hope you will eventually pick yourself up, get on your feet, move, this time with proper navigation and guidance. I wish you you the best and good luck.

0 Replies to “Stunner Blows Up Manhood!”

  1. Ita iwewe ga ga ga yacho. If interested you will have patience to read through and its for your own benefit . The subject is to wide to do a ga ga ga like makuhwa , it needs the reader to go through every step which is fundamental in understanding the next step . But once you get it , it surely helps you and everyone around you

  2. Well said , deep down under lies a fact that the moment eve took charge , everything went astray , today its still happening , we must push to stop roora , women pushed marriage ethics kare but isu we hang on kubvisa roora . Most women dont respect and honor their husbands , we can not talk about marriage without talking about how it started and its tenets , hatisi mhuka . The author of marriage is God , and if marriage goes by its proper defition in the book of law then surely we will have peace mudzimba umu. For example we still keep vana tichivapa mazita edu . We are reaching levels where all men should stop naming kids after themselves , rather give all the rights kuvakadzi , hanti ndovatakura mimba dzacho , ende hapana nharo dzinoitwa kuti mwana ndewaani, vakadzi vozvara vana wavo, vozvichengetera voga , voita madire ajojina ka avanoda .
    How can we continue to have ladies spoiling all the norms and values of marriage and families . There are no equal rights in a marriage. Or else there is a new definition , but understanding the depth of why God made this thing marriage is a shadow of life or union with God , we all read the bible but we rather not choose the verses that dont suit us , reality is the bride goes to the groom and renamed after the groom . This renaming , or adopting is a principle God uses to adopt us and call us His children so that He can give us the gift of life , and riches . I know many dont understand such depths but God will not distribute his wealth to anyone . He gives it to his children only. And humans are not gods but can only be adopted to gain a status that enables them to inherit a number of benefits and attributes of God . Firstly Eternal Life and the rest we all know , to those who believe in a Christian faith. Now that status is called Righteousness, righteousness comes through believing in Jesus and accepting Him as your saviour. From there on wards you resurrect to eternal life .
    Now Jesus teaches us in a three dimensional way , the earthly set up of a marriage , the ideal marriage and its heavenly meaning . Remember . The shadow, the person and the Spirit is what we understand probably. Those teachings , esp the parables mostly lead to inheritance Law in the Kingdom of God .

    I want take you deeper guys and make a research mava mega . We have the story of Naomi , Ruth and Boaz .
    We have the story of Tamar , where she had to sleep with her father in law because of inheritance, We have the story of Ester who gained authority through marriage , we have the story of Mary who finally links God to humans , in reality as we see it Jesus was a fatherless child , but by God’s wisdom it was not meant for Jesus to be born without a father so Joseph was supposed to foster on Jesus because Joseph carried the gene God had selected to give His inheritance . And that was then . Because of the unfairness which seemed to dominate in the law of Moses , God revisits it and perfects it in the grace of Christ Jesus . Now all this represents or rather is similar to marriage , so marriage is a shadow of what happens between God and humans . Separated by death only , there arose many problems that drives marriages to collapse such as infidelicy, and lake of provision, yet Paul again revisist this area and i know many ladies dont like that part in the letter to Timothy . Yet he commands husbands to love their wives and wives to respect their husbands . I love this part mostly. This is where our today society is missing it .



    irrespective of their body shapes and abilities , character and so forth.
    Bottom line is choose wisely . Dont look for wrong traits in a spouse such as mari , mota, imba and so forth , look for love and respect , zvimwe zvese zvinotevera .
    Jesus sums it up in Mathew 6:33 seek yee first the kingdom of heaven and everything else , meaning you will get every other benefit given to those who qualify to be the children of God .

    In the same manner every woman or man who qualifies to be your spouse should get those marriage benefits .

    Vakadzi tsvagai rudo muvarume , tarisisai kuti murume uyu anokunetsa anokuda here or is just after the benefits . Coz kana imba ichizowakika murume anofanira kuda mukadzi wake wemumb a nguva dzose . Pasina izvozvo kalas , anotonyenga chete kuside .

    Varume tsvagai vakadzi vanokuremekedzai kunyanya coz that will finally make your marriage work . Coz zvekuzomira muchienzana mumba semachongwe mairi hazviwake musha . Hapana kwainoenda marriage kana pakasaita kuremekedzana .

    Now kubudisa maproblems ese on air is showing no sign of respect at all. Otonzwa munhu akuti nekamboyo kako ikako, heee chi chii . All men hate loudy women , no matter how beautiful you look outside , zvekupopotera murume wako kuchaunga forget kuti it solves any of your problems . It is in the dna of every man to deserve respect from his wife and its culture boundery free, you find this in all societies , and all cultures and all communities. Thats how man are created .

    Zvekuratidza rudo kune mumwe mukadzi iwe wakaroora annoys every woman to the core , i tell you . Truth is mukadzi wese akaroorwa wants all the attention yemurume wake .

    Aya ndomapiritsi emarriage , anonetsa kumamwa everyday kkkkkkkkkkk

  3. my friend editor you not yet tired of this drama. if you seriously were, you should not even bothered time to write your article. whenever you come across their heading you should say nxaaa and move to the next page without getting into much detail. the way you devote writing this crap is the same way Oli and Stun are behaving(according to u) . stop acting.