Mugabe’s Salary | PICTURE
8 April 2016
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The above leaked paper shows official Mugabe’s salary figures

President Robert Mugabe — who in 2014 claimed he was earning $4 000 a month, did not reveal how his salary had multiplied three-fold in less than 12 months without being gazetted by the government.
Speaking at Harare Central Hospital where he commissioned medical equipment bought through a $100 million Export-Import Bank of China loan facility, Mugabe described his $12 000 pay as meagre and not in line with salaries of his peers in the region. The 91-year-old leader said he earned a basic salary of $10 000 per month and allowances totalling $2 000.
“We should all just be grateful that we have food on our tables. Kana pane sadza nenyama ndizvozvowo (if there is only sadza and meat, that’s it). I am suffering just like you,” he said.

10 Replies to “Mugabe’s Salary | PICTURE”

  1. Uribenzi bobo iwe unotambudzikawo kupi urikumadhla matindindindi , muchacha here usada kutivhara mdhara iwe pfutseki mhani

  2. Uribenzi bobo iwe unotambudzikawo kupi urikumadhla matindindindi , muchacha here usada kutivhara mdhara iwe pfutseki mhani

  3. How does a net of 10 000a month end up being ndiri kungotambudzika semi. Mugabe lives in zimbabwe where he buys the same loaf of bread that those who earn $200 a month buy. How can he say e shares he plight of the poor

  4. How does a net of 10 000a month end up being ndiri kungotambudzika semi. Mugabe lives in zimbabwe where he buys the same loaf of bread that those who earn $200 a month buy. How can he say e shares he plight of the poor

  5. Mazimari aya is a sign yekuti munhu watambudzika.
    Mari, hongu taiona. Asi tinoziva kuti Mugabe wakauya asina chiro. Mugabe achaenda asina chiro.
    Nganyandoite makumare esewo, unotopfeka one set of clothes at a time. Kana akapota achichinja zvipfeko kakawanda pazuva, kunenge kwaakurwara. Akafamba achiratidza mawandire akaita makumarewo see, ndiko kurwara. The same can be said about beds to sleep on, bedrooms, motokari, nezvimwe zveakaunganidza, be it ngekuba kana kuhora — just like you and I. Zvekudya zvingawanda, asi akadyisa anorwara — just like you and I.
    Chimwezve ngechekuti, kana kufa akamutora, unodzikiswa six feet into the ground — just like you and I.
    Mazikumarewo ngeenyika. Paachaenda unosiys. Think of a child who grabs all the available toys to prevent other children from using the toys. First, kutambisa ma toys kwacho hakuzonakidzi. Apo anoenda koorara kwehope or kurara kwekupera kwenguva pasi rino, ma toys anosara.
    Musakanganwe kuti kana munhu achiidya ega vamwe vasina, kana zvekudya zvacho hazvinaki.
    Mukuru uyu urikutambudzika mumwoyo. Apa tataura zveupfumi hwemari chete, koo kuzoti zvimwewo zvinoita soro nemwoyo zvibaduke nge “konjiasi giriti, HAPENO!”

  6. Mazimari aya is a sign yekuti munhu watambudzika.
    Mari, hongu taiona. Asi tinoziva kuti Mugabe wakauya asina chiro. Mugabe achaenda asina chiro.
    Nganyandoite makumare esewo, unotopfeka one set of clothes at a time. Kana akapota achichinja zvipfeko kakawanda pazuva, kunenge kwaakurwara. Akafamba achiratidza mawandire akaita makumarewo see, ndiko kurwara. The same can be said about beds to sleep on, bedrooms, motokari, nezvimwe zveakaunganidza, be it ngekuba kana kuhora — just like you and I. Zvekudya zvingawanda, asi akadyisa anorwara — just like you and I.
    Chimwezve ngechekuti, kana kufa akamutora, unodzikiswa six feet into the ground — just like you and I.
    Mazikumarewo ngeenyika. Paachaenda unosiys. Think of a child who grabs all the available toys to prevent other children from using the toys. First, kutambisa ma toys kwacho hakuzonakidzi. Apo anoenda koorara kwehope or kurara kwekupera kwenguva pasi rino, ma toys anosara.
    Musakanganwe kuti kana munhu achiidya ega vamwe vasina, kana zvekudya zvacho hazvinaki.
    Mukuru uyu urikutambudzika mumwoyo. Apa tataura zveupfumi hwemari chete, koo kuzoti zvimwewo zvinoita soro nemwoyo zvibaduke nge “konjiasi giriti, HAPENO!”

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