Mujuru Allies Strike Each Other Hoax
14 December 2014
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A report by the State Media which says that expelled ZANU PF members allegedly aligned to former Vice President Joice Mujuru, have turned on each other, is a desperate hoax by the Jonathan Moyo controlled broadsheet, analysts have revealed.
A report in the Sunday Mail claimed stating “Senior Government and Zanu-PF officials who were booted out of office in recent months for their parts in a plot to unseat President Mugabe have turned against each other, trading accusations on who is to blame for their demise.
The report which speaks of the sacking of Mujuru, seven ministers and a deputy minister, is nothing more than base speculation, political analyst Gracian Ncube said of the news article which claims certain individuals are back-biting each other in a desperate effort to save their skins and prove that they succumbed to “peer pressure”.
But the Sunday Mail journalists do not quote anyone else apart from faceless sources only stating they “understand” that, former Energy and Power Development Minister Dzikamai Mavhaire and his Deputy Engineer Munacho Mutezo are no longer in good books, Mr Ncube said
He continued, “surely to think that a learned journalist sat down to write a 1000-word article based on mere “understanding,” which is clear speculation and without for once consulting the very source they allege did these things can only show a political journalist out to achieve an agenda ,” said Ncube.
“Within the whole report, you can see sophisticated mash-meshing of details bent on one thing, to create a factual precedent that will be grounds for pursuing what they started at the first, which is to prove that Joice Mujuru was planning to assassinate Mugabe,” he added.

One Reply to “Mujuru Allies Strike Each Other Hoax”

  1. They are just pushing the last nail into Mujuru’s coffin. I like the way Mujuru has taken this. She is ‘young ‘ and will resurrect one day.

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