Vice President Mphoko Lucky Escape from Car Accident | State Media Version
14 December 2014
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Newly-appointed Vice-President Phelekezela Mphoko yesterday escaped unharmed after his official Mercedes-Benz crashed into a truck on a section of Harare’s Enterprise Road.
The accident occurred after the driver of a T35 truck carrying wedding materials stopped abruptly in front of VP Mphoko’s motorcade.
A passenger in the truck was the only one hurt, sustaining injuries whose extent could not be immediately established.
National police spokesperson Senior Assistant Commissioner Charity Charamba last night said the VP was quickly whisked away from the accident scene.
“I can confirm that Vice-President Mphoko was today (yesterday) involved in an accident along Enterprise Road, in the area close to the Forestry Commission. He escaped unhurt but his vehicle was damaged.
“A T35 truck which was carrying wedding material made a sudden stop on the road. Two vehicles, which were part of the Vice-President’s convoy and which were travelling in front of the Vice-President’s vehicle, successfully managed to swerve to the other side to avoid the T35.
“However, the Vice-President’s driver was unable to avoid the truck and rammed into the back of the T35, resulting in both vehicles being damaged. The Vice-President left the scene of the accident unharmed. Only one passenger who was in the T35 truck sustained injuries.”
VP Mphoko was sworn in by President Mugabe in Harare on Friday, alongside VP Emmerson Mnanganwa and seven new ministers and one deputy minister.
The accident brings into question the safety of VIPs.
In October, VP Mnangagwa, who was solely Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Minister at the time, escaped death by a whisker after the Mercedes-Benz he was driving was involved in an accident with a vehicle owned by Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals in Harare.
Witnesses said he was driving due east along Herbert Chitepo Avenue when the a vehicle travelling in the opposite direction made a sudden turn and encroached into the right lane, colliding with VP Mnangagwa’s car.
Both right-side doors of his vehicle were extensively damaged while the other vehicle had minor frontal damage.

5 Replies to “Vice President Mphoko Lucky Escape from Car Accident | State Media Version”

  1. how can two cars in front of his swerve and avoid hitting the truck while his which was third failed to swerve? how logical is that nhaimi? and dont those drivers communicate? why couldnt they alert their counterparts? Musatinyepera mhani

  2. All this is stage managed. These are not accidents. They want us to sympathise with them when they fail us day and night. It was going to be another story if only they were failures but they want to oppress us as well. wake up people!

  3. Cio’s ” car accident ” unit is known as 17-c staffed by highly skilled very highly paid professionals. This is no ” coincidence”.his appointment 2 days ago was a grand ploy. If he had died it would allow muggersboy to make grace VP. He is a mere pawn being used. Dig deep

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