MUTSVANGWA ARMY BLURT: Price Of Car Batteries Shoots From $60 to $169
22 December 2017
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Business Reporter| The latest of Presidential advisor, Chris Mutsvangwa as well as Masvingo Minister Josiah Hungwe saying that the army will assist President Emmerson Mnangagwa to win the upcoming 2018 elections, has seen the price of car batteries rise from $60 to $169.

Mutsvangwa spoke at the just ended ZANU PF Conference saying ZANU PF is relying on the army for the upcoming 2018 elections, a statement loudly denounced by ZANU PF’s Legal Secretary, Paul Mangwana, which Mutsvangwa later sought to retract.

Josiah Hungwe two weeks ago told a Masvingo Provincial Coordinating Committee (PCC) meeting that Zanu-PF will use the Zimbabwe Defence Forces when campaigning in next year’s harmonised elections.

He said: “In the Bible, the Kings ruled with the army on their side. Saka patinoenda ku2018 elections musasiya soja. (Zanu PF) Chairman, soja apa imi mberi. (When we campaign in 2018, do not leave the army. We will move side by side with the military),” he said.

Meanwhile Presidential advisor Chris Mutsvangwa speaking the following Friday said, “We will win resoundingly, better than the 1980 elections and we will mobilise heavily working with the ZDF.” WATCH MUTSVANGWA IN THE VIDEO BELOW –


14 Replies to “MUTSVANGWA ARMY BLURT: Price Of Car Batteries Shoots From $60 to $169”

  1. Mutsvangwa is the biggest liability and a disgrace to Zanu pf. His utterances and rantings will do more harm than harm to the revolutionary party. I was pondering rejoining Zanu pf because of Mr Mnangagwa’s progressive policies but with advisors like Kiri Mutsvangwa, I am reconsidering this move. Mr President, please kick out thick headed lieutenants look kiristofa. We want to come back but characters like Mutsvangwa will make it difficult for us.

  2. End of Mugabeism marks the end of a Civilian Government and the entrance of ED is the integration of a new military government.People will always wish if Mugabe was there.You may haul insults to each other over nothing, but the truth pains.Zanu Pf is there now to stay, but with a blend of military administration in place. You may give me names, but after elections, you will sing a different story. Nothing good will come out of the current Zanu Pf leadership planted by the Military Junta. Day-dreaming people will haul insults and say unprinted names here, but the truth be known. Zanu Pf will never change. Mugabe refused to come out clean.I dont want to blame him, but to say that he played his part with these people who later forced him out.Who is to blame for the past 37 years-Mugabe? Enjoy your time to haul insults to me.


  4. There is no link between Mutsvangwa’s statement and the rise in prices. Mutsvanwa is an unmeasured politician who just comes out with random inflammatory statements against his own party mostly. They really need to put him on a tight leash.

    the price of goods Always finds its own level according to the confidence afforded to the forces governing the environment. Nobody as yet believes Mnangagwa is a credible leader because he says a lot of contradictory statements. For example, nobody genuine would condemn corruption and then put the most corrupt person in charge of the police, knowing the police will be responsible for investigating corruption.

    So Mutsvangwa is only a loose cannon but the real cause of price rises is poor confidence in Mnangagwa.

  5. The link is that business is worried that Zimbabwe remains a lawless nation pron to coups and rigged elections – that is not good for business and so they maximize their profits and get out!

  6. Tell us why you say the message is wrong and stop this idiotic Zanu PF knee jerk response of always shooting the messenger just because you do not like the truth spoken!

  7. “The latest of Presidential advisor, Chris Mutsvangwa as well as Masvingo Minister Josiah Hungwe saying that the army will assist President Emmerson Mnangagwa to win the upcoming 2018 elections, has seen the price of car batteries rise from $60 to $169,” you reported.

    Mutsvangwa and Hungwe are only saying out loud what everyone with any common sense knows President Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF thugs will do next year. The Zanu PF thugs have risked all to stage a coup against a ruthless tyrant knowing fully well that if the coup had failed the deposed tyrant would be roasting the lot on a spit!
    Anyone who therefore thinks the Zanu PF thugs, who have just successfully restored their grip on power, are going to risk losing it again in free and fair elections are day-dreamers. Next year’s elections are going to be peaceful, free and fair as long as the regime is happy the people are voting for Mnangagwa and Zanu PF. The regime will not implement even one democratic reform, deploy the Army, make sure there is no verified voters’ roll and all its other vote rigging dirty tricks on hot standby just to be doubly sure there is no regime change.

    Business people are a lot more hard-nosed and will not be easily bowled over by cheap gimmicks like the Zimbabwe mob think the coup plotters are heroes. The business people can see through the delusionary fog of mass hysteria, they can see the Zanu PF thugs who have ruled the nation with an iron fist have just reasserted their iron rule!

  8. Vangodza you are stupid fool of vthe worst kind reckless stateent made by those in power will have a ripple effect to the whole economy. Vanhu vakaita sewe ndivo vakakonzera kuti tisvike patiri nhasi gonzva.

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