Thousands Back First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa, “Get Away!”
23 December 2017
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By Dorrothy Moyo| Tens of thousands of Zimbabweans have backed the first lady Auxillia Mnangagwa after she was attacked on a radio programme Friday morning when told that she is feeding kids with unhealthy foods such as fizzy drinks and hot fat food. PICTURES:

5 Replies to “Thousands Back First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa, “Get Away!””

  1. yea its a campaign, but we are no longer children who can be easily cheated with food especially after 37 years and after elections we wait another 5-10 years of suffering noooo!!!

  2. True. She was an MP during Mugabe regime. I can’t remember how many times she visited or donated food in her own constituency to the underprivileged if it all she did.

  3. Kkkkkk, Numbers don’t matter. – a thousand fools can be wrong and one person can be right, it doesn’t mean those 1000 fools can right the wrong. Its not voting. Fizzy drinks and fast foods are just poisonous to kids. How many adults do take these? I am not surprised by the stupidity of Zimbos anyway who have lived a populist life all their lives

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