MNANGAGWA GRAPHIC: But I’m Better Than Prof Moyo, I Beg You All To Forgive Me, But I Will Never Forgive Prof Moyo
25 December 2017
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10 Replies to “MNANGAGWA GRAPHIC: But I’m Better Than Prof Moyo, I Beg You All To Forgive Me, But I Will Never Forgive Prof Moyo”

  1. There have made mince meat of him left, right and centre and the world tend to have accepted it as the norm, but we cannot allow it with our new Leader at least for now.

  2. ZImeye is persuing a MOYo agenda. Now to even put Moyos bald head on Ngwena . This is disgusting. Zimeye could make me throw up.

  3. Musorobhangu mwana waSithole akangozvifirawo gwa mwari. Munomboziva here kuti supreme chief wekwaChivi ainzi Madyangove akapambwa akavhiyiwa naRobhengura?

  4. Its idiotic to keep talking about forgiveness yet you are busy hunting down your former opponents. It seems the forgiveness is one directional. Its only meant for the Lacoste faction. Shame!!

  5. if you dont have news anymore…… please close shop, you wasting space with your graphic pictures, what purpose are they saving ? go on holiday if you are tired to be in the office.

  6. This is very bad lets not make fun out of the President by coming up with all these naughty images this applies to Trump only ,we have a better Leader than otherwise.

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