PICTURE: Wicknell Chivayo With Mnangagwa’s Deputy, Mohadi | DOES THIS PICTURE REVEAL SOMETHING?
27 December 2017
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Convicted fraudster, Wicknell Chivayo has begun circulating the below picture which shows him with Zimbabwe’s new Vice President Kembo Mohadi who was at the time, Zimbabwe’s state security minister.

ALSO READ – Wicknell Chivayo Fraud

ALSO READ – Wicknell Chivayo Fraud

9 Replies to “PICTURE: Wicknell Chivayo With Mnangagwa’s Deputy, Mohadi | DOES THIS PICTURE REVEAL SOMETHING?”

  1. Which means that is a very stale picture fished from the archives by Dzambarafuta. That man is shitting bricks right now.

  2. It shows how much is required to bring sanity to. It’s a tall order which is close to impossible

  3. The picture yes speaks of a lot of things. However a closer look at it shows VP Mohadi was not happy to be taken that shot.

  4. He is connected to more thieves and he is a front man to government thieves/looters…. Mohadi must be shivering….

  5. Yes it tells more than a thousand words.
    He is well connected, and so on and on and on…

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