LATEST – Mwonzora Says We Can Also Rig Elections Like ZANU PF
26 February 2018
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By Staff Reporter| MDC Secretary General Douglas Mwonzora has said the opposition also rigs elections the same way ZANU PF does.

Mwonzora was speaking during a parliamentary hearing on Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs. Said Mwonzora, “and I want to say madam Chairperson of ZEC and of the portfolio committee, I want to say to everyone who is here, I know this is multiparty, gone are the days when we thought it was only the ruling party which is capable of rigging elections. We saw in Malawi, in Nigeria that the opposition can also cheat in elections. So we in the opposition are capable of cheating, you in the ruling party are capable of cheating, so let’s make rules so that we don’t cheat each other.”

Mwonzora also fingered ZANU PF which he said has engineered the printing of ballot papers from KGVI barracks. VIDEO: