Chamisa Losing 2018 Elections To Mnangagwa, Observer Claims | IS THIS TRUE?
1 March 2018
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By Farai D Hove|  A news observer has claimed that MDC leader Nelson Chamisa could lose against his opponent, Emmerson Mnangagwa due to inflated figures on the ground.

Their comments come as the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission flood-gated the voter registration process today in what critics claim could eventually see fraudulent computations corrupt the voters roll database so to favour Mnangagwa.

They said the only option to potentially beat Mnangagwa will be to goo and register to vote.

Writing on Thursday afternoon, the activist said Chamisa might win Facebook votes, but he will not win the actual votes on the ground. (SEE BELOW)

Facebook Votes  (cloud)

MDC 67%
Zanu pf 12%
Zapu 3%
NPP 0,4%

2018 Real Elections (on the ground)

Zanu pf 65%
MdC T 23%
MdC N 0,2%
NPP 0,2%

Zimbabweans register and Go Vote