RAT POISON HUBBY: Rutendo Truly Went Into Hospital But Was Discharged In Perfect State
26 April 2018
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By Own Correspondent| The UK based Zimbabwean man, Rutendo Mwarewangepo who last week claimed he had taken down rat poison, was truly hospitalised.

ZimEye has been told by close sources the man is however now in perfect state having been served in a London hospital.

ZimEye has managed to track Rutendo to Bristol where is spending time with a cousin sister.

The man last week shot a video from inside his car as he announced that he is in the process of killing himself over struggles with his wife. He claimed that he has been framed by the woman over an act of alleged violence.

He then announced that he had already swallowed the rat poison and was leaving a suicide note.

But ZimEye contributor, Audrey Charowa rubbished the claim of suicide saying the man was not telling the truth. A week later, it has turned out she was right. Rutendo is clearly in Bristol. SEE LIVE MAP BELOW. It has turned out that Mr Mwarewangepo’s wife was assaulted and there is insurmountable evidence of the attack. ZimEye will carry out a LIVE review today, Friday. SEE THE OLD PROGRAM BELOW-