Former MDC Spokesman Forms Party Number 103, Contests Elections
5 June 2018
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Joshua Mhambi

By Paul Nyathi|Former Welshman Ncube led MDC spokesperson Joshua Mhambi has announced his return to politics after a three year sabbatical with his own new political party.

Mhambi declared contesting this year’s elections with a new political brand the Zimbabwe Democratic Union.

With the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission last week announcing that it had received notices to contest elections from 102 political parties, Mhambi’s party becomes party number 103 if he has made his notice to contest to the ZEC.

Wrote Mhambi in his Facebook page:

August 18. 2015 I formally tendered my resignation as National Spokesperson from the MDC Green and and said I am taking a Sabbatical , for reasons that will be told in the fullness of time.

I said then, that one would come back in due course with the message “Thus sayeth the Lord…”

The time has finally come for me to return and I can only obey the call and make my humble contribution to the Spiritual, Social, Political, Cultural, Economic discourse and restoration my beloved country.

This, by availing my political services to the people of Zimbabwe in general and Bulawayo in particular by contesting in the forthcoming general election

In past twenty years of active political enterprise I have supported and been loyal to those whom I chose to assist in their aspirations to ascend to power. Now is the time for yours truly to move up and be of political service to the nation in the sincere belief that I have the Capacity, Character and Competence and anoiting for a time like this one.

Watch my space!