Croc Tears On Murdered Toddler
13 June 2018
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President Emmerson Mnangagwa

By Paul Nyathi|President Emmerson Mnangagwa affectionately known as The Crocodile amongst the ZANU PF supporters has sent a message of condolences to the Lumbe family following the horrific murder of two-year old Professor Lumbe in Greendale on Saturday.

“I am shocked and appalled by the horrific murder of two-year old Professor Lumbe this weekend in Glendale. My sympathy, thoughts and prayers are with Professor’s parents, Rambai and Nomatter, and the entire family in this difficult time,” said President Mnangagwa, in a statement.

President Mnangagwa said such wanton acts of violence cannot be tolerated, let alone against children, adding that “society must categorically reject all violence”.

The President has instructed the police to urgently investigate this heinous crime to bring to justice the perpetrators.

Cde Mnangagwa said has urged all candidates, supporters and the public to be peaceful at all times as the country approaches the harmonised elections next month.

He urged Zimbabweans to ensure that the values of love, unity and tolerance dominate the country’s political and civil discourse.

The Lumbe family which is aligned to the Joice Mujuru led National People’s party has accused the Mnangagwa led ZANU PF supporters for the abduction and murder of the toddler.