“Thank You Advocate Nelson Chamisa”
13 June 2018
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Grace Kwinje

By Paul Nyathi|Newly appointed MDC-T Ambassador to the European Union Grace Kwinje has expressed her gratitude to the party leader Nelson Chamisa on her appointment.

Kwinje a veteran of the MDC-T and credited with coming up with the name of the party at its foundation in 1999 expressed confidence that the MDC-T will win the upcoming elections and form the next Zimbabwean government.

Writing In her Facebook page a few hours after her appointment was made, Kwinje said her journey in the struggle has been long and sees it now coming to its home stretch.

Wrote Kwinje:

Thank you Advocate Nelson Chamisa for the faith you have placed in me to once again Represent our party and movement in the European Union.

Indeed there is the saying a “journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.” Our journey has indeed been long and strenuous, however, one cannot but see that this is the final stretch, that the courage and determination as exemplified by our late leader President Morgan Tsvangirai was not in vain.

It is an amazing coincidence dear President that your appointment comes also as I this morning also won a three year court battle against a former employer.

I am also thankful for the great people I have worked with build relationships and will count on in the weeks ahead as we prepare to form the next government of Zimbabwe. In unity we march forward.