Majome Rejects Last Minute Deal
14 June 2018
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Jessie Majome

By Paul Nyathi|Outgoing MDC-T Member of Parliament for Harare West Jessie Majome has indicated that she will be submitting nomination forms as an independent candidate disputing internal party claims that she had reached a compromise with the party leadership.

Majome dismissed reports within the MDC-T that she had accepted to be a women’s quota proportional representation candidate claiming that no such deal was ever presented to her.

“There had been reports that I had been offered a Senate seat or Proportionate Representative in the National Assembly. It is simply not true that the MDC-T ever negotiated with me regarding my decision withdrawing from the sham election. At no point did the party negotiate with me,” said Majome.

“At no point did the party even acknowledge the issues or that they were addressing the irregularities that led to my withdrawing. That is if unless that Press conference was the negotiation. I have made a decision to run as an independent.”

“I disagreed with the party because the party’s guidelines were vandalised . . . right now there were no primary elections that were held in Harare West in respect for both councillors and Members of Parliament yet there were contenders.”

Majome is set to battle for the MDC-T vote with youthful Joanna Mamombe in the election where they are certainly going to share the vote and may see the two of them lose the seat to rival ZANU PF candidate.

The nomination court seats on Thursday morning.