ZANU PF Grabs Parliament Majority
1 August 2018
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Paul Nyathi|ZANU-PF has already won the majority seats in parliament in Zimbabwe’s historic first election since Robert Mugabe was ousted.

Results from the electoral commission showed President Emmerson Mnangagwa won 109 seats against 41 for the opposition Movement for Democratic Change, despite MDC claiming victory on Tuesday.

Another 58 seats were yet to be declared as of early Wednesday morning.

The results come a day after the opposition accused the commision of deliberately delaying results in ZANU-PF’s favour.

The House of Assembly of Parliament has 210 seats and ZANU-PF would need to win 30 more to have a two-thirds majority that would allow it to change the constitution at will.

The opposition MDC, led by Nelson Chamisa, won in most urban centres, where it enjoys majority support.