Chamisa To Organise March To State House
28 October 2018
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Terrence Mawawa|Youthful opposition leader Nelson Chamisa has said his party is organising a march to the State House to show Emmerson Mnangagwa the power of the people.

Chamisa has flatly refused to recognise Mnangagwa as the winner of the July 30 elections insisting that he is illegitimate.

Speaking at the party’s 19th-anniversary celebrations at Gwanzura Stadium yesterday, Chamisa said:”We are going to be organising ourselves internally, then we go to programmes that we want to do throughout the country from next week. I will be going to every area where I will be setting out the plan, something big in this country — hold your cards on the intended march to State House from this venue.

When we do this we want to have a clear plan on what date we start and to the day we end. We will not go back home until we achieve the intended plan. We will show Mnangagwa the power that people have…Mnangagwa must be leading the opposition in this country, while I take the reins of power, which you handed to me, then the country will move forward.”