ZNA Soldiers Killed In Bloody Clashes Over Prostitutes
16 April 2019
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By A Correspondence| Two soldiers were Tuesday reported killed, while one was seriously injured following clashes with gold panners in Chipadze, Bindura this morning.

ZimEye is reliably told the clashes were over an issue to do with ladies of the night.  Details were sketchy at the time of printing.

At the time of writing several women by being detained at the local police outpost in Chiwaridzo.

Police Spokesperson for Mashonaland Central Province, Inspector Milton Mudembe confirmed the incident, while Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) Director Public Relations, Lieutenant Colonel Alphios Makotore said four ZNA members taking part in the independence parade rehearsals were involved in an altercation with the artisanal miners, resulting in the death of the two.

Investigations into the matter are underway.