Drunk Woman Falls Off Moving Truck On Way To Funeral
19 April 2019
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A 37-year old man from Entumbane suburb in Bulawayo, who is suspected to have been drunk, fell off a moving truck and died on the spot in Fort-Rixon while on his way to a neighbour’s funeral, police confirmed yesterday.

Matabeleland North provincial police spokesperson Chief Inspector Siphiwe Makonese said the incident happened on Monday at about 11PM.

She identified the deceased as Crispen Simango. “The driver was driving from Bulawayo to Fort-Rixon with an unknown number of passengers on the truck on their way to a funeral. When he reached Village 5 in Fort Rixon, Crispen Simango stood up and fell off the moving vehicle and died on the spot. He was bleeding from ears and nose,” said Chief Insp Makonese.

She said the case was reported at Mbembesi Police Station and the body was taken to the United Bulawayo Hospital for postmortem.

“Those using trucks should make sure that their passengers are seated inside the car and not on the edge. We discourage people from playing and dancing to loud music while vehicles are in motion,” said Chief Insp Makonese.

A neighbour to the deceased said when Simango left Entumbane on the fateful day, he was drinking beer with his friends. “They left Entumbane at around 8PM on Monday and were drinking beer. His friends say the incident happened around 11 PM,” said the neighbour.“The guys were sleeping at the back of the UD truck and during the course of the journey, he woke up wanting to urinate. It seems he lost balance and fell and died on the spot. One of the friends banged the truck to alert the driver who stopped a few metres away from the scene. They found him already dead.”

He said when the incident occurred, Simango was going to a funeral following the death of one of his neighbours in Entumbane.-state media