Public Drinking In Harare Now A Serious Nuisance
26 April 2019
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Editor — I have watched with dismay over the years how city by-laws in Harare are being rubbished.

At most shopping centres apart from Sam Levy’s in Borrowdale, it seems public drinking and urinating seem to now be the order of the day.

I understand society is facing challenges that most take up drinking but that should not be at the expense of living/working environments of other citizens.

In the Avenues area, grown up men and women park outside popular bottle stores at Montagu and Fife Avenue shopping centres, drinking and smoking as they play loud music from their cars in a residential area with children watching.
When the police and city fathers see this, do they see it as normal?

Why are these things, which have become an eyesore, being ignored, someone somewhere is getting their palms greased in these tough times to turn a blind eye.

The unfortunate thing is that young boys and girls witnessing this behaviour will grow up aspiring to partake in some of these acts.
Is it any wonder then when we hear of teenage sex parties where young adults are having street parties at shopping centres and rampant sex wherever they chose to park?

This surely must be looked at not only i the Avenues area but at every shopping centre across the country.
It is not right for people to accept stench of urine as normal while walking out of a supermarket anymore. This is a national issue which needs attention to save the future of this country. Can the president step in and address this on National Clean Up Day done on the first Friday of each month.

Daily News Editorial