Correspondent|Polokwane City player Walter Musona has been incriminated and arrested for being allegedly part of an organised house breaking syndicate which moves electric gadgets and other stolen goods into Zimbabwe.
Walter, young brother to Warriors skipper and Anderlecht star Knowledge Musona was reported to have been arrested in the late hours of Friday, 10 May 2019.
“BREAKING NEWS! A Polokwane City player has allegedly been arrested for house breaking and possession of stolen property. The player is allegedly part of an organised crime syndicate which deals in moving flat TVs and other stolen goods across the boarder to Zimbabwe,” wrote sports magazine Sporty Issue on Twitter.
Asked by one of his followers on Twitter, Herald senior editor Robson Sharuko confirmed the incident but said Musona’s car was used for criminal activities without his knowledge.
“His agent says he gave his car to a Zimbabwean friend who then abused it to go on a stealing spree he says the guy has since disappeared back to Zim.” Sharuko responded.
Musona is a former FC Platinum player who had a short stint with Slovakian side FK Senica in 2015 before joining current club two years later.