Lunatic Tinashe Jonasi Seeks Relevance By Swearing At Chamisa Unprovoked, “I Hate You, Wish I Can Shoot You Dead,”
13 May 2019
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Nelson Chamisa

Own Correspondent|In an instant moment of madness, the man who in recent weeks was arrested for public nuisance after threatening to arrest President Emmerson Mnangagwa and his two deputies, has taken to social media to unleash a shock attack on MDC leader Nelson Chamisa.

Tinashe Jonasi who without reason calls himself the President of Zimbabwe, left people doubting his mental fitness when he from nowhere decided to unleash verbal attack on Chamisa declaring that he hates the young opposition leader and is prepared to even shoot him dead.

According to the post, Jonasi believes that Zimbabweans should be led to a full-fledged war against the government and ZANU PF saying that Chamisa is misleading Zimbabweans by going to elections.

Below is the full outburst by Jonasi against Chamisa as posted on his Facebook page.

#I Hate You Nelson Chamisa

You are a Robert Mugabe and Zanu PF project.You ,Pastor Evan Mawarire and Jonathan Moyo (Baba Jukwa ) is the kingpin of all this nonsense.They faked Coup as Zanu PF renewal.

Chamisa you are equally illegitimate as your boss idiot Mnangagwa.You were trained to hook gullible Zimbabweans who hate Zanu PF A to come to Zanu PF B that is run by you.

You give brain-dead Zimbabweans hope that you will win elections you know ,you will never.You give foolish Zimbabweans hope that demonstrations against soldiers will topple Mnangagwa.Go on charm stupid citizens to believe in politics of speech,rallies and joining The Chamisa Chete Chete Choir of Lunatic,whilst you prolong the Zanu PF reign.

You know there is only one solution in Zimbabwe and that is an Armed uprising / Third Chimurenga.Anything else is Chamisa madness and G40,

(Basikiti&Mashayamombe)o hell with you.

Wish i can shoot you dead.