Who is Dr Bekithemba Ndlovu?
Dr Mpofu is a Senator and founding member of the MDC, he was a one of the brave young men who saved in the MDC interim National Youth Executive lead by Learnmore Jongwe (with President Chamisa as National Coordinator) in 1999, after several years as a student leader.
He was then elected the first Youth Assembly Secretary General at the party’s inaugural Congress in January 2000. He has been nominated for National Party Chairperson and is seeking election at the MDC Congress end of May 2019.
Tell us more about your experience?
Senator Mpofu’s recently a Member of the Party Standing Committee and its Deputy Spokesperson. His experiences, persona and acquired skills will be best used in the National Chairperson position. In particular (but not limited to these);
1) As a Deputy Dean in a University, he was involved in overseeing conflict avoidance, management and resolution of conflicts and disputes between and amongst students, academics and administrative staff which experience and acquired skills will help the party, its structures and/or organs.
2) Dr Mpofu is a founding party member and the inaugural party National Youth Secretary General. While in post, he oversaw the general health and state of the Assembly.
Also as a Youth Assembly Chief Administrator, Dr Mpofu monitored, supervised and oversaw that all elections in the assembly, external or otherwise were properly conducted in order to ensure that due process was followed in terms of the constitution and that each election met the standards expected of the values and principles of the Youth Assembly.
It was the office of the Youth SG that also responded to any disputes that arose from election and he was able to resolve them with speed and satisfaction of aggrieved parties, a key attribute required for the position of the National Chairperson. So the skills attained in this position and other management experiences will undoubtedly come in handy for the office of the National Chairperson of the party especially at a time when the party is under heavy criticism for double candidates and election disputes.
3) Senator Mpofu has worked as the Chairperson of University-wide disciplinary Committee for several years, where he reviewed over 50 cases of academic misconduct.
Such cases needed skill, attention to detail and research which experience will strengthen the position of the National Chair who is expected to Chair the National Disciplinary Committee. In addition, Senator Mpofu is currently the Deputy Spokesperson of the party a position that requires a good communicator that he has proved to be. As a Deputy Spokesperson he has used his skills as a good listener and these skills will enable me to be a good judge of character and cases that will be brought to him as the party National Chairperson.
4) In addition to the aforementioned, he has participated and chaired several committees and boards in business, academia and politics. The skills and experiences obtained thereof will not make him an alien to the Nation Chairperson’s remit as the chair of the Congress, the National Conference and the National Council.
Finally, Senator Mpofu is a committed founding member of the party who will serve his position with the greatest level of integrity, honesty and distinction while upholding and respecting the party constitution.