VP Chiwenga In Another Sick Leave Abroad
22 May 2019
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Constantino Chiwenga

By Own Correspondent| Vice President Constantino Chiwenga has taken another sick leave amid indications that he has been flown to India for treatment.

The development comes after his health deteriorated over the past few weeks according to sources.

The visit is Chiwenga’s second this year after he left for India in February for what the government described as a “minor abdominal ailment”.

Chiwenga has not been seen in public for some time and was conspicuous by his absence at the official launch of the Political Actors Dialogue (POLAD) on Friday last week.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa in his official address at POLAD acknowledged the absence of his deputy neither did he shed light on his whereabouts like he normally does.

The former army general who removed former president Robert Mugabe, has for weeks crept out of the public eye and has been spending more time indoors.

ZimEye also exclusively revealed that he has been skipping church for the past three weeks.

Sources privy to the developments told ZimEye, that VP Chiwenga has for nearly 3 weeks to date been summoning ambulances full of medics to his rescue at his home residence.

Sources told ZimEye:

“He has been quiet and more indoors lately.”

When Mnangagwa flew to Botswana for the Elephant Summit recently, he left the country in the hands of Chiwenga’s side-swipe, Kembo Mohadi.

Opposition legislator for Mutare Central Innocent Gonese is on record raising concern in parliament over Chiwenga’s absence from parliamentary sittings.

Gonese said Chiwenga and Mohadi are conspicuously absent in the chambers and their names do not appear on the list if those who would have sought leave of absence.

Lamented Gonese:

“….I am simply asking the chair to inform the House of the ministers and Vice Presidents whom we have never seen….In particular, Mr Speaker Sir, I also note with concern that the Hon Vice Presidents have not been attending on most ocassions.”

Government has however remained mum on Chiwenga.

More to follow…