Own Correspondent|Police in Gwanda rounded up 21 teenagers at a Vuzu party at an excluded place out of Gwands town on Saturday.
The 21 were all between the ages of 14 and 19. Most of them are still school going while a few were school dropouts.
They were arrested in possession of large amount of alcohol most of which was the smuggled in low cost whiskies and brandies.
Reports indicate that senior police officers in the Police Internal Security Intelligence, PISI, called parents of the children to witnesse the corrective measures the police were taking on their children.
The police finally decided to let the children back into the custody of their parents after giving them a huge lecture on the dangers of Vuzu parties.
Vuzu parties have been topical to a point where some people now think they know every nitty gritty about these delinquent activities.
Vuzu parties were common in Bulawayo last year before the community decided to come together and bring the vice to an end.
Several meetings were held where scaring details on the parties were revealed by some young people.
A Bulawayo youth, Trevor Gurajena, left people stunned when he revealed the four types of vuzu parties that include plain, $5 party and “blesser” sponsored vuzu parties.
Gurajena said the plain vuzu parties are the ones whereby youths sponsor themselves just for socialising and, of course, unprotected sex.
“For this one, youths just contribute some money to host a party. Usually it’s a way of relaxing the mind after a hectic school term and also a farewell party after a school holiday. Youths indulge in unprotected sex, take drugs and have fun,” he said.
Gurajena said these rowdy youths use “passwords” to code each other so that they get into kombis that usually park near Haddon and Sly.
“There is a signal that youths use which is not known by everyone. If you are at Haddon and Sly for instance and you hear a certain code or whistle, you know that it’s time to go and you have to jump into the kombi. Youths who fail to read these codes are automatically out of the list,” he said.
What left people tongue tied is the $5 vuzu party.
Gurajena said on top of paying transport fares and money to buy drugs, youths pay a $5 subscription to join a sex race.
The subscriptions, he said, are set aside throughout the party and will be given as an award to honour the boy and girl who win the race.
“It’s a race and you have to prove a point. Two people, a boy and a girl who manage to sleep with at least 10 partners during that night are given the royal crown,” he said.
Gurajena said those who are crowned are highly regarded.
The third one, Gurajena said, is the blesser sponsored party where an adult forks out money to hold the party.
“Youths don’t pay anything here as someone does it for them. This is usually done by people who want to test the efficiency of their drugs.They find it easy to test it on youths,” he said.
His explanation stirred the hearts of parents as they tried to imagine their children in such a pit.