9 Heavy Things Tsenengamu Openly Told Chamisa Yesterday, “Ignore the Big Original of 1 Aug 2018, focus on others….”
8 February 2020
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By Simba Chikanza| Below is a succinct summary of suspended ZANU PF Youth Commissar, Godfrey Tsenengamu’s speech to and on Nelson Chamisa delivered during his ZRP-harassment-free press conference yesterday. The full video is on ZimEye.com.

1. You are ED’s project.

…People at Harvest House used to say ChinhuChaED ichi, referring to Chamisa…

2. I leaked your cellphone number to ED.

3. Your party looted millions as reported in the Newsday, so you are twins with ZANU PF.

4. You used to defend ED in parliament.

Chamisa used to come to ED’s rescue in parliament…

5. You lost to ED by 300,000 votes.

6. I am not going to use your supporters, I am a victim myself.

7. Ignore the Big Original Corruption of 1 Aug 2018, focus on others.

8. Join me because I have a plan.

9. After we have finished fixing the country ridding it of corruption, we will all return to ZANU PF.

