Furore Over ZANU PF Regalia Dumped At A Disused Mine In Gwanda.
22 March 2020
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ZANU PF regalia bearing the face of President Emmerson Mnangagwa has reportedly been dumped at Gwanda North constituency, resulting in a push to suspend the area legislator.

Gwanda North legislator Madodana Sibanda faced accusations of being responsible for “dumping Zanu PF-regalia”, but survived attempts to suspend him from the party.

It, however, emerged that Sibanda was a victim of factional fights in the province, with those reportedly angling for his constituency allegedly behind the incident that happened over two weeks ago.

It is understood a team of investigators led by Matabeleland South Provincial Affairs minister Abednico Ncube uncovered the dumped regalia, resulting in the holding of an urgent provincial meeting to discuss the matter.

“It is at the meeting that Sibanda’s rivals started pushing for his suspension, but the push to suspend him did not sail through,” a party insider said.

“Interestingly, after further investigation, it was uncovered that the regalia was instead not at Sibanda’s constituency, but in Gwanda Central after further checks on constituency boundaries.”

Sibanda, when contacted for comment, confirmed the regalia was found in Gwanda Central but refused to comment further.

“It was not in my constituency, but Gwanda Central, I have not been summoned,” he said.

“I have not heard anything of that nature. I have no comment.”

Zanu PF Matabeleland South chairperson Rabelani Choeni also refused to comment while Ncube was unreachable on his mobile phones.

Dennis Ndlovu, the deputy commissar for the province, said: “I cannot comment over the phone,” before promising to visit Sunday Southern Eye offices on Friday.

It is understood the youth league fought in Sibanda’s corner, but its chairperson Washington Nkomo was not forthcoming when requested to comment on the matter on Friday.

Late last year, Nkomo survived a vote of no confidence after he was fingered in a US$12 000 extortion scam involving a Shangaani miner using Mnangagwa’s name, resulting in the arrest of four party members.