The Ministry would like to report that today, 830 rapid screening tests and 133 PCR tests were done in both the public and private sector.
All the PCR tests done today were negative for COVID-19.
Therefore, to date, Zimbabwe has thirty-seven confirmed cases, including thirteen recoveries and four deaths.
The latest recovery is a man from Harare who was confirmed following two consecutive PCR negative test results from samples taken at least 24 hrs apart.
Cumulatively, a total of 13 699 rapid screening tests and 11 191 PCR diagnostic tests have been done to date…
In line with our COVID-19 containment strategy, the Ministry continues to implement a comprehensive package of services, based on prevention, intensified surveillance both at community and health facility level, timely case detection, testing, isolation and management of all COVID-19 cases.
The Ministry continues to be on HIGH alert to the COVID-19 pandemic and would like to remind the nation that the most effective ways to protect yourself and others against COVID-19 are to practise good personal hygiene, always wear a face mask in public places and exercise social distancing.
Avoid touching the face mask while using it; if you do, clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
For assistance, please call the COVID-19 tollfree hotline number: 2019.