Own Correspondent|The gunman who allegedly shot two soldiers in Chivhu was not happy with the Zanu PF administration, according to his posts on Facebook.
Elliot Chihambakwe and Ephraim Jani were killed by security forces after attempting to flee with two assault rifles they grabbed from soldiers in Chivhu.
Chihambakwe is believed to be the man who opened fire at two soldiers in Chivhu, killing one of them while the other one sustained serious injuries.
Chihambakwe wrote on Facebook :
” Kusvika rini mazimbabwe muchidya nhoko dzezvironda upfumi hwenyika huchidyiwa navashoma.kusvika rini hama vadiwa muchigara munyika dzeutorwa kwamuriikoko asi nyika munayo wakeup gadzirira vana vedu ramangwana.”
” Nenyaya yeumbwende kutya tinofa tichitambura kunge tirivatorwa munyika yemadzibaba edu.”
See posts below :