MaChinja, I thank you I am happy what I am happy about also is the song that was written by Baba
MaChinja are strategist when you see we quiet don’t think that we are idle. When you see this my brother making a lot of noise you must know that something is happening.
I thank the almighty God in heaven we are here because of him. We are here because God loves us there is no one here who made it without him.
For the past 21 years we are still focused and we are still committed and we will get there. We thank you are fellows in barbers what it home thank you very much for supporting the struggle.
I have listened to people they see why are you celebrating 21 years because you are MDC Alliance?
We celebrate the struggle the struggle will morph into different forms. So why why do you ask me why I am celebrating 21 years?
those who are deluded they asked me why are you celebrating 21 years when you are MDC Alliance yes we are a formation as the struggle continues we have to to re strategize reform so what we are doing is we are bringing new people who are more powerful… So we are no doubt where we are going.
We are different from liberation movements, we have to continue ‘improving’
Those of you who say that Morgan tsvangirai did not address the issue of succession, you need to understand he did…