Zivhu Roasted On Social Media After Claiming Mnangagwa Is A Man Of God
31 October 2020
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Farai Dziva|Former Zanu PF MP Killer Zivhu has triggered a raging social media storm after claiming Mr Emmerson Mnangagwa is a man of God.

Zivhu received a backlash on social media after attempting to glorify the cornered Zanu PF leader.

“Gold repa airport iro siyai ED imwi vekutaurisa saka kana hama yaba newe wabawo here.Kana ED achida zve gold ungatadza here kubudisa iye ari President.ED munhu waMwari haabiri nyika yake haana kuita President kuti asvake mari but kubatsira vanhu ve Zimbabwe mari dzake unadzo.

ED is the legitimate President of Zimbabwe,hapana chakaipa kuti President vaone vanhu kana kutorwa pictures with him.Musati kana munhu akaita zvinhu zvake kana kuba moti wakambotorwa picture na President zvine basa reyi izvozvo pakatorwa picture ndipo paibiwa here siyanayi na ED,” Zivhu wrote on Twitter.

Responding to Zivhu’s remarks, MDC Alliance Namibia spokesperson, Robson Ruhanya said:

“Zivhu’s utterances cannot go unchallenged.Mr Mnangagwa is not a political saint.Zivhu’s blasphemous remarks are unfortunate- he is daydreaming.

Mr Mnangagwa is the ringleader of corruption in the country, that’s an undeniable fact.”

Angry Zimbabweans also took turns to blast the former Zanu PF MP on social media.

Killer Zivhu