WATCH:Timveous Had Always Been A Looter | NEWS REVIEW
26 February 2021
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Lilian Timveous

Imi Amai imi tinyareiwo…

I have come across a number of statements purported to have been written by the former Deputy Treasurer whom in all intents and purpose had ceased to hold that position having resigned a couple of weeks ago.

I have read some of her sentiments which I find hard to believe she is the one who penned them especially given her track record in the non-meaning of her both writings and non-writings.

It is alien for me to respond to foolish statements but on this occasion I have seen it fit to set the record straight lest the nation risks being misled, I am responding so that this woman can be exposed of her foolishness.

In justifying her betrayal of the Zimbabwean masses by joining the chief architects of all forms of human suffering, she weaves some lies in a desperate attempt to make meaning out her move.

Madam Lilian, you suggest that you chose to join ZANUPF because you were being bullied, assuming it is true, does it then make it better for you to leave boardroom bullies and moving on to join bedroom bullies in the mold of Kembo?

You wrote about violence in our party as yet another reason for your departure, again assuming it is true, have you forgotten that it is the same ZANUPF that orchestrated the short and long sleeve?

Is it not the same ZANUPF that butchered Morgan Tsvangirai whom you claimed to so love dearly during his life? Is it not the same ZANUPF that has killed thousands of youths and has abducted many to date?

As I write today, a brilliant young leader, Makomborero Haruzivishe is in court facing trumped up charges for simply having chosen to courageous enough to stand for the truth unlike you who has chosen cowardice over courage.

Young women such as Joanah et al are in court day in and day out at the hands of the same ZANUPF regime that you miraculously purport to be so peaceful.

Foolishness doesn’t discriminate with age, even those born in 1973 can be foolish too and Madam Lilian has stood out to be the most recent testimony.

For the record, we are not worried about your sentiments neither are we moved, we remain focused with our eyes on the ball until we deal decisively with the incumbent regime which has for a long time bred untold suffering and violence to the people of Zimbabwe.

“Wakurumidza kumedza, kutsenga uchada.” This was one of my favorite proverbs during my time as an A’ Level student at Nemakonde. Since ChiShona was one of the subjects I was studying, I fell in love with many of these proverbial lines.

True to the meaning of this proverb, fast forward to the present day, I find it meaningful for use in response to the lies made by the former Deputy Treasurer.

We all know that even selling out comes with a cost and we understand that you’re trying you best to fit in the house of looters and murderers but please don’t buy your seat with lies.

Sell your soul peacefully, leave silently and leave us alone; speak more about your new home stop masquerading as our Spokesperson.

Of all what you have said and done, there is a definition to it, it is BETRAYAL.

Betrayal of those who have been tortured, arrested and killed.

Obey Sithole
National Youth Chairperson
MDC Alliance.