By A Correspondent-The outgoing German Chancellor, Angela Merkel was recently spotted doing her grocery shopping in a public supermarket in Berlin.
The world’s most respected Leader was buying her groceries without the assistance of state security.

Merkel, a physics and chemistry scientist turned politician, leaves office this October.
She is credited for leading the most robust economy in the EU and one of the most important in the world.
Throughout year tenure of offices, she received no free state service, no housing, no electricity, no gas, no entertainment expenses, no personal chef, no water, no free phone from the Federal Republic of Germany budget, and lived her life humbly like any other German citizen.
She does her own shopping, carries her own shopping bags, pays for her purchases, and if she receives a parking ticket, she pays out of her own pocket.
A journalist recently asked her, “Do you remember I took a photo of you in this same dress ten years ago?
She told him: “My mission is to serve my fellow Germans, not to be a model.”
Merkel was elected Chancellor of Germany in 2005. She served as Leader of the Opposition from 2002 to 2005 and as Leader of the Christian Democratic Union from 2000 to 2018.
A member of the Christian Democratic Union, Merkel is the first female chancellor of Germany.