LEAKED- CIO Minister’s WhatsApp Chats Embarrassing President Mnangagwa.
16 September 2021
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Owen Ncube

By A Correspondent | As ZANU PF gears up for provincial elections, some of the CIO minister’s WhatsApp messages have leaked, embarrassing his boss Emmerson Mnangagwa’s leadership.

The communications show a sabotage-mission by the minister against a group of members he calls, ZAPU members. The development could worsen relations between the party leadership and the ZIPRA wing of members, in what throws suggestions Mnangagwa wants to weaken that section and widen the rift between the tribes. 


The head of Al Shabaab, Ncube together with Midlands warlord July Moyo, are up in arms against McKenzie Ncube and his executive.

The chats are between the minister Owen Mudha Ncube with a member of the militant Al Shabaab, More Muzwira.


Ncube wants to be appointed provincial party Chairman, in what cheapens and politicizes his senior role as State Security Minister.

Mudha, as he is affectionately called, is greeted as the discussion follows-

More Muzwira: Maswera sei Shefu

Mudha: Hesi More. Urisei.

More Muzwira:

Ndandapera kugadzira chiya chamai Zhou saka ndandakamirira mundiudze ndodii ne screenshot yacho shefu

More Muzwira:

07:51 ✓1 Ichocho chovaparadza manje chero kwavo kwavanogara kumunda

07:51 Mudha: Chibata Vamwe vako.
NaChikwanda Chiisei kwese.

READ THE FULL CHATS BELOW (order last one to first)…

Efforts to get a comment from Minister Ncube failed as he did not pick up his calls.