By A Correspondent- A comment by Tinashe Mutarisi on how society is causing more harm than good to the child whose video is circulating on social media while being denied entry into a Harare lodge has divided the social media.
A gild child was captured live on camera being barred from entering a lodge by concerned citizens who can be heard in the video shouting “mwana haapinde mulodge” meaning this child will not get into this lodge.
Said Mutarisi:
“I’m just disappointed that as a country we are busy slandering that young girl tichiti aienda ku lodge just for the wrong reasons.There are a million other reasons why that young lady would visit a lodge.Isusu we are judging her according to what we usually go to the lodges for. Okay kana zvirizvo are we not worse than the person who took the young girl ku lodge by recording and bringing the story to social media? Now this is being discussed on National broadcasting media houses but no one bothers to find the lodge to get the full story and take them account tosiya mwana.1) Don’t rush to conclusions 2)Let’s not shame bash or embarrass pwere let’s protect these young minds tovatsiura zvisingapwanyi ramangwana.”
We publish below reactions to the post by Mutarisi…
- Odicious Innocent Dzamara– i knew kuti post iyi ichadhingura facebook but handina kuziva kuti ichadhingura zvese ne watsap uye kuti ichavharisa pasi rose…. well said Tinashe Mutarisi
- Tendai ChingangaYou are right Tinashe Mutarisi. The amount of vilification against the child is unnecessary. These children are very fragile. There is need for a better way of handling such situations without necessarily putting the child’s life at risk. She may end u…
Vee MazanhiIts true that lodges are used for a variety of purpose. Bt there is a major and popular purpose ye lodge especially in the context yeZim. CONSIDERING our economy very few people can afford the luxury to pay for a lodge . The probability of foul play…
Changamire ChikonamombeTendai Chinganga responsible citizens just handle matters concerning child abuse the may they deem suitable
Liberty MapfumoTendai Chinganga I also put the video on social media I didn’t see the child being exposed her name or her face. Go to my wall it’s there. I have a 16yr old daughter she is writing her Cambridge exams this week. And I wouldn’t send my daughter to a lod…
Charles Carter BernadTendai Chinganga profound
AuthorTinashe MutarisiVamwe munenge muchindimakira nhaika? Nhasi VaMutarisi mapotsa …. Because ndataura pfungwa dzangu? Ndofana kungotauta zvinoenderana nemi kuti muti ndagona? Unfortunately i was not raised that way.When I was way younger than that age ndine misikanzwa yandaitoitawo yekuti dai yaiiswa pano i would not have been the person that i am today. Hanzi we publish because we want to learn, want to learn pa munhu? Pamwana wemumwe?Again why do we create a whole narrative inouraya character yemunhu based on a 30 seconds video? We then say anofanirwa kudzidza mwana iyeye based on the 30 seconds.Next thing we move on to the next victim uyu tatokanganwa apa future tatouraya
Charity Candice ThelmaTinashe Mutarisi well said people always judge without knowing the full story
Vicky MazofaMhizha Joe anopinda mukati ndiye anga apinda nemwana palodge..anga anefon yaitora video haaatowanikwe pakadai
Nyasha UteteMhizha Joe hoo nhai ka but no1 can stop reggae wangu tichatoona zvinopfuura izvi mazuva azaara nehuyipi aya musazviise muhana stereki
Bobby ChimombeTinashe Mutarisi greatful i grew up in the 70s and there is no record of our mistakes anywhere1
Mhizha JoeKupera kwe firimu ndazoona camera man avemukati nekuti akavhura hombe yaasingezogone kupedza ,mutemo ndopawakaipira ,handei tione
Chester ChiunyeCOSAFA WOMEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP 2021 GROUP B RESULTS |Botswana 0-3 Zimbabwe…
Jeremiah T Gentle IschusNyaya ndeyeiko atisi kutoyiziva
Jonathan MusvosveriOscar Pamhirwa true because this young generation haitodi sympathy they must learn the hard way
P Fieldmarshal Shita MashitaTinashe Mutarisi Well spoken
Bishop EdTavaz TavazivaTinashe Mutarisi Munhu akaenda kunoverengera kuGomo kana Harare gardens hatipopote. Asi kune vanotoendako vasinganoverengi. Mufundisi fundisai musina wama fundira
Tonderai Ivainashe Chikono MudyiwaThis issue has soo many dimensions or must I say levels to it. It may even be that those that blocked the girl and the ones who made the video and posted are 2 different groups. One group with intention to stop and ‘save’ the girl child from marauding… See more1Like
Phephe K NnamTinashe Mutarisi what you did when you were younger shouldn’t justify mwana who is in the wrong act. Let’s assume she was at the wrong place and doing misikanzva, she was supposed to have been corrected without video. As much as we want to better our y…
Tonderai Ivainashe Chikono MudyiwaPhephe K Nnam you are saying exactly what Tinashe said. He said the intention is understandable but were the repucursions weighed of posting the video on social media
18 hSeretse TembaTinashe Mutarisi I second u there, ma file evidence edu akaiswa pajekerere it will b a major shocker wena. But we have changed our ways
Shingirai Chris ZvomuyaMamwe ma Comments unotoona kuti ndeekutsvaga basa kuda kuita polish up zvinhu zvakadhakwa kungoti pamwe ndikatsigira ndingazonzi huya ushande ku shop kwangu Ngatiudzanei chokwadi pano an adult chaiye kupinda mubhawa akapfeka worksuit yakanyorwa zita re…
Tonderai Ivainashe Chikono MudyiwaTinashe Mutarisi To me it is a question of motive and objective. First and foremost kuona a girl child , worse in uniform achipinda mu lodge …image projection says she is up to nefarious intent. That having been said those who blocked her could have…
Tafadzwa ChihavaTinashe Mutarisi mataura shoko guru vaMutarisi
Chiurani Grace Mai BethaTinashe Mutarisi only if we can have few fathers who think like this and atlest few mothers …we will know for sure that we are safe .Wise word sure kuita baba hakusi kuti tava nevana 5 it is the protection that the kids will have from their fath…
Smart KingTinashe Mutarisi kutaura semunhu mukuru this is true ther is more than what meets the eye on that vedio ..this is becoming a national Demon Destroying each other
Cynthia KambamuraTinashe Mutarisi wel said chokwadi sezvachiri Jesu akati anozviti mutsvene let him throw the 1st stone on the victim pakashaikwa kana 1 …tisazviite vatsvene tichiurauya destiny dzevana
CathyTinashe Mutarisi Yeah people must not publish zvinhu zvevana taking videos and pictures u be ruining future yemwana vana havatorwe mavideos ndosaka muTV vachivhara face social media is ruining future yevana hobho publishing everything
CathyJonathan Musvosveri Kkkkkk yeah ma2000 maone shame vakakura musoro
Casper MurandaTinashe Mutarisi very true problem is us vanhu we dont know marights evamwe vedu in this scenario mwana uyo ato batwa chibharo yu cant record some1 and post it no no no its wrong esp when people start to haunt down the kid what if she commits suicide …
Bruce AbundanceI think comparing your past ne nenyaya yemusikana uyu azvinatso kubuda coz males and females suffer a bit differently especially panyaya dzakadai I don’t think that girl akatowurairwa future ,azvina basa kuti aitsvagei or what the message from the publ…
Ta ChifTinashe Mutarisi muzouya kunotenga hembe dzevana
Charlotte TavengwaTinashe Mutarisi vamwe vanhu havatofunge izvo,they jus think kut zvavarikuda ndizvo zvinofana kuitwa..nd havatarise both sides ,the gud nd the bad one..vanongot as long tiri pamhepo hazvinei nehupenyu hwemunhu ,not knowing kuti varikutodestroyer vana v… See more
Changamire ChikonamombeIwewe Tinashe takakurira paHwedza apo tese handifanire kukunyara kuti apa pawati vana vadyirwe musaga uri wrong. Ko tsumo yataidzidziswa paMatsine iya kuti rega dzikure mazai haana muto yakazoshanduka here
Edward ChaitikaTinashe Mutarisi i agree with u kt mune mafungire enyu,but i also think kt in life each and every decision or action that one takes in life has its own consequences wheather good or bad,so when one makes a bad decision like that gal did,be prepared for… See more1
Mhizha JoeEdward Chaitika wrong decision ipi pamwana uyu instead yekutotsvaka camera man uyu abatwe.
Betty MapatyaMucharera denda nekuda husoft pasingade dzidziso nyoro , mwana mwana
Ronald HakataSaka maposter issue yenyu kuti tingoti muri right haaa sir zvimwe zvacho soo2
Ronald HakataThen you are wrong too coz you expect us kungoti you are right chero tisingawirirane nazvo we didn’t raised like that too sory boss4
Brenda KadzimaTinashe Mutarisi True next thing suicide2
Tatenda GatawaTinashe Mutarisi I love the way you reason even on the DNA issue. Zimbabweans unfortunately thrive on the pain and embarrassment of another. It had nothing to do with moral issues but excitement that someone has been “exposed” and “shamed”. That’s why … See more
· Kassy ZvirevoKkkkkkk haaaaaaaa apa Tinashe Mutarisi ndaona wadzura post
Samantha BandaTinashe Mutarisi people forget about mental health also pazvese izvi and then turn around to say hee we are losing children to suicide chichi whilst varivo vanokonzera all that…how does one think it will feel to see yourself on every social media pla… See more4
Nancy Chiratidzo MahereTinashe Mutarisi well said
Tawanda MakoreTinashe Mutarisi Maybe she was visiting a relative anoshanda ipapoVanhu voti naye naye.
TaruvingaTawanda Makore okay iwewe sekufunga kwako mwana akanzi unodei pano akati ndauya kuzoona tete vangu security kwakutotanga hondo vanhu kwakutozara video kwakutotorwa.ndizvo here mhanduwe?
Amanda Nestum MatsikaTinashe Mutarisi point yenyu mukuru ndaishaya madii matanga manzwa neveku lodge kwacho full story mozotiudzawo side remwana
Rutendo ChivesoTinashe Mutarisi yeeess I like that you standing up for yourself refuse to be manipulated by people kuti mutaure pfungwa dzavo imi muine dzenyu.. why should we all the link the same thing? Why can’t we agree to disagree? Nhasi ndafara kuti hamuna kuita zve apolojersey
Vinny Hogan MkhizeTinashe Mutarisi Mukuru point yenyu chaiyo ndaishaya.Kana aifambira zvimwe akadii kutaura.Uye isu taka kura zvekuma80’s and 90’s waitozosvika kumba warohwa kare.Mwana uya it seems like she was going 4 the wrong reasons.Its better afire chokwadi.Hatisapote.zvekupenga.
Mrungwen DianaTinashe Mutarisi Zimbos don’t rush into conclusion my guy.the gal was asked kt arikuenda kunoitei mulodge and she didn’t gv a concrete answer. These nowhere in Zim where yu can find vanhu vakaungana for one cause isiri pa agenda. My only concern is who…
Daniel TaruvingaTinashe Mutarisi aiwaaa murungu apa tkupesana. No under age mubhawa whether akuda kutengesa nzungu kuti ararame or akutsvaga baba vake vane 5 days vasina kuuya kumba asi vachionekwa pabhawa only to assist them get what they want. Our country is now fil…
Philein Sophia ChigodoraTinashe Mutarisi Xamwari thats a good philosophical approach to Zimbabweans cognitive behavior. Avafungi next move. Chavanogona kumhanyisa nyaya vasi kana order. Ukavanzwa vachitaura nyaya vanhu unoshaya kuti nei vasina action izvo kungowanza muromo.
Gamu ChiraiTinashe Mutarisi I agree with you and this post chero hangu ndisina video yandaona
Mercie MwarcieTinashe Mutarisi haaaa im with you vaMutarisi vanhu vanoitawo kunge vasngashaishe vamwe totoita zviri worse kudarika kupnda mulodge kwakachena uko but we are all acting holly pano mxxxxm its bad its bad zvekutora video izvoo
Mai Sean NaTawandaTinashe Mutarisi Only in Zim is it a crime to be found at a lodge wearing a uniform wonzwa hanzi mazimba akadzidza wotoshaya vakadzidziye with the way the rush to conclude without evidence mazimba ndiwo the closest cousins of sathani2
Augustine Masawimy question to all who have concluded that this child was there for sexual immorality can you please give us evidence or show us the culprit who she wanted to do it with!pasina izvozvo dont rush to conclude3
MilanKing munombobuda offside henyu
Thembisa T DubeIni l think arikungoedza kuti people shldnt be bulling mwana uyu pa social media
AuthorTinashe MutarisiElvis Msindo So if that was your child woita the first person to get hold of that video would you post it pa social media kuitira kuti vakawanda vadzidze or you would delete it?Plus vanhu dzidzai kuverenga to understand not kuverenga uchimhanyira fight.
Kuda Shaun Kays ShoniTinashe Mutarisi kkk very true, some of these guys commenting here have very shallow mind, kujaira hondo pasocial media kkk1
Lawrence NyajenaVana kuzvikoro not kumalodge it’s a no no idea let’s protect our society ,nyika iyi haisi South Africa
Vicky MazofaTinashe Mutarisi stop using word if because already he is not…so nyaya iripo our Mbinga fambirai nyaya dzevanhu vakurara nevana vadiki Kuma lodge mugadzirise nyika bcoz munhu wese ane fon ipapo pamwe haazi one akatora video iroro
Elvis MsindoTinashe Mutarisi Kana ndatotumirwa video as the parent I will delete it but remember ndatumirwa zvichireva kuty anaro ane right yekuita zvaanoda naro, nyaya haisi ye video nyaya ndeye chakaipa chirikuitwa kuvana vasina chatisiri kuona daily so that vid… See more2
Marriana ChinguwaI know someone who was also being threatened by her boss or let me say her manager … she would often visit the lodge in work uniform since kubasa kwaisabvumirwa kutakura anything so aisakwanisa kuenda nehembe …. a customer ndiye akatomuona akauya a… See more2
Marriana ChinguwaTinashe Mutarisi i really feel pity for all these guys unoziva …mwana anotadza but even shoko ramwari rinotaura wani kty rovedzera mwana nepaanofanira kufamba napo nokuti kunyangwe akwegura haangatsauke mairi …. yes atadza but we still have to teac… See more3
Marriana ChinguwaThola Mathe this country kaaaaa iiiii
Wadzanai ChitsoteTinashe Mutarisi warwadziwa wangu us tooo I think the person aka publisher ngaasungweMutsvene ndiani4
Dylan Dee NyikaTinashe Mutarisi mkoma vamwe vanhu they read to respond without reading to understand first !! But post yenyu ine mashoko makukutu1
Samuel MatonhodzeTinashe Mutarisi kkkkk tine hasha tinenge tichitoda fight chaiyo
Arthur MwachipaTinashe Mutarisi true mkuru pamwe vabereki vake vanoshanda palodge aida kupihwa makeys ekumba kana mari yebhazi ngatisamhanyisei pfungwa ko kana vachigara ipapo1
Chiedza Gladys GobozaArthur Mwachipa ndakatombozvifungawo
Denford R Kawanza RdkTinashe Mutarisi mdara the problem is we dont read and listen to understand but we read and listen to reply2
Callistus MakipaDenford R Kawanza Rdk well said. Well done
Malvin ChimombeZimbabwe hainganake shuwa nekuti vanoti kunoenda mhepo ndokwatinoenda.ts a norm to boot lick.this is all what is happening in zanu pf . people within the party fail to challenge some leaders kuti guys you are we are we are seeing people … See more2
Simblex NzaraTinashe Mutarisi social media is now the most dangerous thng coz any bad or good name we know eg muroyi,mhondi,tsotsi,failure,hure,christian,lawyer can give their dangerous points….pliiiz lets be aware
Lovie MrankeTinashe Mutarisi they read to criticise ,,havagone kutaura nyaya vachipa mafacts without attacking coz vanenge vagara vari ma enemy1
Mai McTinashe Mutarisi saka apa murikuti achienda there fo a good reason here?l think munotozivawo mitemo wani.1
Mai McRunyararo Zifamba lodge n hospital zvasiyana hama
Beatrice NemaisaVaudzei kani vanhu ava
Murozvi SamanyembaTinashe Mutarisi no kupfeka juzi today …. what you saying is making sense 3
Phineas Target MucheriTinashe Mutarisi That’s a good question bros
Belinda Mimie MwanzaTinashe Mutarisi hanzi not kuverenga uchimhanyira fight kkkkk
Winny JoroTinashe Mutarisi vajaira ka kuti hamutane kupfeka juzi reapology manje nhasi makatsamwa,vanoverenga vachimhanyira attack ava3
Innocent Chindiro MhokoreZimbabwe Haina kunatso Mira mushe politically and for all Zimbabweans of the reasons it took so long for them to get things right is sugar coating and facing reality . then you will be to correct and that girl situation t… See more4
Cissy MeeTinashe Mutarisi my brother iwe wakaona mwana achipinda mubhawa unoitasei nekuda kureasona kwako uku unototi nekuti pamwe arikuda kuona bhora or mutengesi ndimai or baba vake ngaapinde hake here???? Mulodge i understand kuti wakuda kutaura meaning yelo… See more1
Cissy MeeTinashe Mutarisi first tell us kuti iwe personally unoenda kulodge kunoitei .Mwana uyo anogona kutaura dai akaendera zvinemusoro dai akataura kuti ndoda kuona nhingi .and im surprised Sir you act as if you knw everything mjolo haisi paint .Stop acting … See more13
Barbra MujuruTrue
Hazel Viviane MadzimaTinashe Mutarisi very true
Norman PikiTinashe Mutarisi well said Mkoma Nash
Tapiwa MusundireTinashe is ryt …Mugabe anga asingaitirwi izvi zvekuti vàhu vawane freedom yakawandisa munhu chaangoda kuposta or kutukaAs a Nation we must protect our children not shaming them ,,,,vaifanirwa kurova mwana or kumurepotera kuxul kwavo … See more8
Florence Tanya ChitupilaTinashe Mutarisi that’s a 1000 dollar word right there2
· 21 h“Most relevant” is selected, so some replies may have been filtered out.Active
Reply to Tinashe Mutarisi…
Councilor Christopher NyembaTinashe Mutarisi Lodge and beer hall to give as an example those are no go areas for anyone in school uniform. What made people to easily identify and make noise is the school uniform. No genuine reason whatsoever can justify that. The girl went to a w… See more117
Moses MushongaCouncilor Christopher Nyemba you are encouraging children to go to school with cloths to change all the time, it doesn’t add up my worry is the damage done on her life and imagine her seeing all these discussions the kid may loose her life. Who ever pu… See more
Trymore TakundwaWhat I learnt in life when you are wearing a uniform , whether a school one, work,sport you will be representing many people or an organisation so you must not be seen in places where bad morals are practiced,so Mr Mutarisi if the girl was accompanied … See more195
Ru ChakanyukaDai pasina video yaitova their word against the girl.1
Lynne T OdenImimiwo futi haaa3
Faith Mugorehaven’t seen the video zvangu wil watch it if l cm across it coz yaita noise sure
Baba HarareChokwadi chemahara Mr Mutarisi. As a nation we need to move away from victim blaming and slut shaming. Like you said the perpetrators are the lodge owners and the men who lure vana ava. This culture needs to change.214
Debz Muera MoyoIf I was the parent I would thank those elders ndiri pamabvi. They did nothing wrong at all. Infact as a nation tinotoda mateam akadaya pagedhi relodge yegayega
Liberty MapfumoDebz Muera Moyo very true am actual grateful and point ya Tinashe Mutarisi haishande because the child was not humiliated haana kurohwa or kubvisiwa mask so handisi kuwona problem. Being a father of teenage girls ndakatofara kuti detawana vanhu vakadai
Last Muchenje · FollowToday really loved the fact that you didn’t delete your opinion bro , the truth doesn’t change because people are offended and also people should read to understand not to reply
DS KuparaGrowing up we always had school rules that stopped us from entering certain places when you’re in uniform, this was done for very good reasons. We will always respect your opinion, and you have every right to express yourself especially on your own pag…
Tendoe RueI applaud those men for shouting and making sure hasi kupinda mulodge. It takes a village to raise a child. Community yagona. Tichikura we took our neighbours as parents and respected them. Mota dzemaboyfriends dzinotoparker kure negate or neighbours…
Zhou Kajau H SusanSadly society does not give a chance to find the truth rather everyone will just believe what the ‘photographer’ is saying.
Norry Tanya ChaitezviBut tinashe we have a lot of these kids who go there but why this one people might have been wrong but I’m sure they suspected something fishy there,how ever this gel has rights to use the lodge with whoever she wants to use it with as long she is 16 n…
Bianca MutasaImagine what that girl will go through after all this. Her school and classmates, the society , her parents etc this is just wrong tichauraisa vana nekuda nyaya
Sthabile Mtombeni PriscillaBut l like the defence from our elders .its wrong to publish in such a way but its a wake up call .lodges and school kidz hazvibude chero pane enough reason but .its not a good pic to the community
Nyasha Kayla -what if she had lost her bus fare,and one of her parents or relative works there?-what if she was sent there by her parents or something-if she was there for the wrong reasons,why not find out what is pushing the girl child to do that
Brighton GeeEveryone here knows zvinoitika kuma lodge mu harare let’s not pretend as if ku lodge kunobuda zvakanaka if that company lodge knows kuti zvakaitika was ok I,m sure they would have made an social comment distancing themselves
Brighton GeeNyasha Kayla that’s simple paiitika noise yese ini if the mother was around vangadai vakauya ku gate paitika noise let’s not beautify zvinhu zvakaipa those guys havapenge kunovharira mwana kuti asapinde pa lodge maybe they have seen the worse pa lodge …
Mukoko WekwaChambatiNyasha Kayla I am sure there was a conversation before the situation escalated to the shouting and video. The girl even seems stubborn. In such a situation would not have been better to just walk away if for nothing more her safety? Instead anoita kung…
Rumbidzai Bwowa JnrNyasha Kayla iam just thinking, if it were me ndafambira right reasons mamusingandinyararieze ndaitotaura zcandafambira chete nekupooota kwenyu ikoko I’d find a way to make myself heard kuti ndafambira zvakanaka. Yaisatombosvika pakuzara vanhu because …
Kudzai D ChidedeRumbidzai Bwowa Jnr true zvonetsa here kuti ndauya kuzoona kudzai chidede mai vangu ndisheedzerei horaiti handisi kupinda mkati dakumuona2
Cyv ChiundoI disagree. If there was a genuine reason why could it not be said ipapo? If she was there to see her parent or relative, could the staff wanting to let her in not have said so? Taking the video is not entirely wrong too. It may possibly deter one or two, certainly not all, school kids from doing the same. I could hardly make the kid’s face in that video coz of the mask, which was good in that it protects her from harassment and bullying dzepa social media. Mwana haaendi ku lodge, full stop.Spencer Mackenzie MabekaWho actually knows why that girl was at that lodge?But the fact remains kuti society inoziva lodge iri a place where people meet for sex especially magame so kuona a female high school student in a uniform achipinda mulodge hazvifadze Tinashe,that sch…
Lolo MachieLet’s not base on what if becausewþ I think if she was there for genuine reasons like kuona a relative etc. They can always come pagate kunoona mwana. Let’s not shy away from the fact that prevention is better than cure. It’s better kumumisa pane kusiy…
Von VonneI thought the same. Kupinda pa Lodge doesn’t necessarily mean she was up to no good. I worked in the hospitality industry and know there are so many reasons to visit a lodge rather than promiscuity. People are just dirty minded
Debrah Tsveture SamuriwoHazviite for whatever reason aMutarisi.Ipapo i beg to differ.That place is not a healthy place for a kid to be.Whoever brought it to social media,i guess it was for the right reasons which were to maybe to make people aware.Mwana uya haana kutomboneka …
SIR Favour Rcombo · FollowMy brother, the thing is, if a country doesn’t have important things to discuss, they tend to judge things without tracing the validity and the reliability of those stories.. a young girl going to a lodge is not her fault, it’s a man’s fault who doesn’…
Mujaki Chekenyere ChecksTotally agree!!! Zimbabweans we are good in judging and taking each other down insteady of advising and encouraging…ooooh no pliz God can you help us to heal our cursed country
Tariro ParadzaiAewa vana vadiki vanotsvakei kuma lodgeWrong to recordBut very right we all know what does down ikoko,we are tired of old men abusing our daughters cause they have money…
Vigilent GoliatI believe that the media and us as individuals we are the real monsters,,,we keep on victimizing the already victimised rather than comforting the abused ones and hunt the real culprits..we judge people according to our versions of the story not the re…
Andre Shawatieither way lodge haingokodzere kuenda nevana for whatsoever reason cox a lot happens there and mwana anodzidzei…..there is no better justification its more like kutuma mwana ku strip club or ku bar kunotora bus fare from a relative who works there……
Charles Krinesta JonasPosting someone on social media without their consent should have a jail term…they did well in trying to find out the reason why she wanted entry but the devil who took the video and posted should be brought to justice
Precious M ZivengwaHaaaa taurai henyu ur side Mr Mutarisi but from my own point of view lodge hatingotarisire kukaona for whatsoever reasons, ini i think there was a reason for dat reaction from the society vanenge vachiziva kani vanhi vaya zvirikuitika…hongu there is…
DS KuparaThis young lady could have easily stated her reasons. If she was there to see someone who works there, or who needed to hand over something to her, they could have come out to the gate to explain. As a parent, I would want my child to be stopped as wel…
Anesu IsheFrom what i saw that gal was not by herself …she was with someone and the person who took the video didnt focus on the child’s face…Every action has its consequences and unfortunately this is one of them …Tichikura vaiita misikanzwa if this calib…
Rumbi Sundire MkodzongiIni hangu I was just impressed by the fact that there were men there who had the heart to say NO. I don’t know the lodge but I’m sure those guys probably know what goes on in there. Very commendable action.
Kerth VhiririIni zvekuti different reasons what what will not hold water kwandiri that kid was supposed to be in school or kumba if she wanted to see her parent ipapo or atumwa ne parent yake aifanirwa kugumira pa gate and make enquiry with the guard. Kana paive ne…
Pamela MaravanyikaThere’s no justification yekuenda ku lodge.Kunoitei mwana wechkoro,what business could she have mu lodge straight from school?If you listen to those men vaipopota you can tell kuti vangavatoudzwa zvaafambira that’s why they were angry.They acted just…
Brenda ZvikarambaThe people who stopped the girl kupinda mu lodge wr jc trying to protect the girl bcz vana pazera iri it’s easy to make mistakes. Problem iripavanhu vaka recorder and post on social media. All they wanted was to tarnish her image nothing else. Ndopatin…
Liz MakAkatobva kuchikoro before break time uya makaona drink rarichiri rakazara? If she had gone there with a boyfriend then thumbs up to the people who couldnt let her in
Anesu ZhouMr Tinashe Mutarisi do you think the community just blocked that girl from entering that lodge because she was the first lady to enter there wearing a uniform…people react because of a continuous pattern and behavior of that institution…that lodge …
Taku MundengaWhat if you are wrong and it was a sinister trip? How will we be able to raise awareness about issues around “child rape” happening behind guestrooms without scenerios like these caught on camera? Toita skit here? To the best of my knowledge, this is…
Mai MwendamberiWhen we were in school we were not allowed to visiti even shops in school uniform. Kana achida kuenda ngaaende nehembe dzake
Vee VongaiWhat do you mean slandering that girl?She was not slandered in any way but actually, the people in the video are trying to protect a child here. Whether her visit to the lodge was in good or bad faith, the person whom she was meeting akadii kubuda achi…
Bernard MaparanyangaIf this young girl gets proper legal advice ,she will be smiling on her way to the bank after pressing defamatory charges against the blackmailer,Some people do this just to gain likes and fame on social media irregardles of the consequences to be fac…
Mai LeeChandiri kuona charesveka apa is recording and making it trend.But seeing men stand up for the girl child is so encouraging.Semubereki ndinoti ngazviende mberi.
Paida Juru PhiriMamuka sei mkuru please tiitireiwo BigBrother ZimbabweThank you in Advance
Kerth VhiririTinashe Mutarisi ndaona wadzura post futi nhasi hehehe rega vanhu vapinde mu office Kuma free wifi
·Hillary DzumbunuIye aimbodei ikoko. Dai akataurazve kuti ndoda kuona mdara wangu. Tikakuona uchimiramira kuNyaradzo/Doves tofunga kuti wafirwa. These guys were really concerned kuti you can’t take mwana wechikoro kupinda naye mulodge izvo ngazvisava nyore kana vachida…
Tinashe DhlakamaKana mwana akarambidzwa kupinda mubhawa bho stereki nomatter the reason.
Mwana SikanaMwana wechikoro in school uniform cant be found pa lodge, end of! Those men were correct . Kana paine hama yaaida kuwona ipapo the hama was supposed to come out and meet her ku road
Watida IsheInga pa video pakatonzi murume wacho apinda kare wani haiwawoooo dai aida kuona family yake akadii kuti dakuona sekuru vangu kutuzura kuye kwaive kwemunhu asiri straight hapana henyu chama defender apa mwana haaende ku lodge ne unirfom …varume vaye …
PunungweWhat other reasons angaenderwa kulodge nhai weduwee muri kuti aionoona hama dzake here muri kutiiko .Wrong is wrong vabereki vari kutambura for this kids kuti vaende kuschool iye oenda kulodge onouya nemuzukuru vabereki vochengeta futi