Calaz Reduces Java To Size
12 November 2021
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A Correspondent-Zim dancehall chanter Seh Calaz said the controversial preacher and skit prophet Passion Java of bullying artists using Zanu PF.

Calaz said this Java after the controversial preacher had said Mubhanditi’s career had hit rock bottom.

Java early this week took to Instagram dissing Seh Calaz after releasing his third album this year, saying that was a sign of ‘kupera.’

In response, Seh Calaz posted a video saying Java should mind his own business before he exposes him.
The Mabhanditi leader said Java was bitter because he could not sign the chanter under his Passion Java records.
“Pamaida Seh Calaz kuti mumuitise zvamaiitisa vamwe ndikakuudzai kuti andiitiswe mad****i. Munofunga kuti ma message enyu andina hanty?

“Ini ndokuzorodzai. Andinanzwe vanhu kuma garo nekuti vanetumari. Inin vanhu vanondifarira andivabhari. Anditenge ma views ndikawana one view pa song yangu ndopembera,” said Calaz.
Calaz added that he didn’t care that Java was under the protection of a political party adding nothing could stop him from attacking.
“Mumuudze mutsaga wenyu wuya ndomucheresa zvake zvekutemba musangano haaah msangano wakapinda ne back door zveku m**a zvega zvega izvo. Muudzei kuti ini,” said Calaz.
-Nehanda Radio