Mavaza: The Curse And Meaning Of Yellow
20 February 2022
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By Dr Masimba Mavaza | It is stranger than fiction. Sometimes things happen and one wonders how did you get or chose that name. Many people have characters similar to their names. I have a friend called never true to his name he will never give you a penny.

Dr Masimba Mavaza

He will never say yes. We chose things which give us a curse. The curse of the Yellow brigade. Yellow is a primary color. It sits between orange and green on the color wheel. In other words yellow is not faithful to anyone but itself. It is quick to apportion blame so yellow is not a good colour to-be your theme. Being associated with the sun, it should stand for optimism, joy, enlightenment, but surprisingly yellow stands for duplicity,  cowardice, betrayal.
Yellow Can Be Aggressive
While it can be an energetic color, this intensity can also have a downside. Sometimes yellow can come off as very aggressive and even confrontational. In great quantities, people may be left feeling irritated or even angry when surrounded by yellow.
The colour of jealousy and deception: different beliefs and superstitions rotate around yellow, but there are also those who have studied effects on the body and mind and spontaneous associations of this colour with a decidedly more scientific approach, obtaining rather interesting results.
Despite its associations with optimism and happiness, yellow carries a number of negative connotations. It stands for cowardice, deceitfulness, impulsiveness, egoism. High levels of exposure to yellow can also lead to aggression and irritability. Yellow personality types can often be too judgmental, spiteful, and have a lack of empathy. It is even found that babies cry more in yellow painted rooms, as well as that people tend to get angry when around this color for too long. Yellow personality types have been associated with choleric temperament in a way that they are often described as violent, vengeful, and short tempered. yellow carries a surprising number of negative connotations. Yellow is a symbol of cowardice, of sickness, and of mental illness. It’s the color of sensationalism and even of excess. Vibrant yellow is typically used with caution by designers, though paler yellows can certainly have a murderous effect. Too much bright yellow can easily overwhelm a project.
People surrounded by yellow are irrational and suffer from extreme mental illness.
The history of color yellow
Yellow was one of the first colors used in art due to the wide availability of yellow ochre pigment. Ancient Egyptians painted their gods in yellow so that it would resemble gold. But to the general populace of the Egyptians yellow represented demons the demon of the greedy. From the 14th century onward, yellow has become the color of envy, jealousy, treason, the color that cannot be trusted. Once the color of the sun and gold, yellow became one of the least popular shades. Its dubious reputation has endured until today; compared to other colors, yellow often  stands as a symbol of negative personality traits. Yellow is a colour of those who cheat and chronic liar. In tradition and common sense, it is the colour of happiness and hope, of positivity, energy and optimism. Yet for some it also has negative meanings: it is often linked to jealousy, cowardice, deception. Where do these connections come from? Is there any foundation or are they just cultural constructions?
For Leatrice Eisman, colour specialist and executive director of Pantone Colour Institute, much of this is due to the natural association between yellow and the sun. Over the last thirty years, Eisman has conducted several studies on the association between colours and words, involving thousands of people. With respect to yellow, there seems that the “innate” positivity of it is not everything: even if the studies on these themes are not yet very numerous, some researchers have found a really extraordinary power in this colour the colour used by the devil or by those who worship the devil or idols. Yellow contaminates the mind it intoxicates and turns the majority of people wild.
As with everything else, you should be careful not to exaggerate: excessive exposure to yellow can lead to a loss of concentration, making it very difficult to complete a job. Too much yellow slows down your thinking capacity. Every year, with the arrival of autumn and then winter, several people show symptoms of what has been identified as a mood disorder:
Easy irritability, laziness, melancholy, difficulty in interpersonal relationships, increased appetite, decreased sexual desire, insomnia or hypersomnia: for those who suffer from this disorder, the bad season is synonymous with a change of their state of health and well-being. The seasonal frequency of the disorder is linked to the yellow colour.
Many patients say they have benefited from the introduction of a fluorescent light box in their homes designed to create a more balanced light space, which gives the impression of being outdoors on a pleasant sunny day. Others, on the other hand, wear glasses with yellow removing effects that aim to block the yellow light rays typical of these seasons, which affect the production of melatonin and consequently the tendency to sleep a lot, often present in those who suffer from yellow SAD.
The magic of yellow
Long before science attributed yellow to these characteristic features and this power of influence, esotericism and popular beliefs gave the colour of the sun a privileged place. Those who are interested in precious stones and believe that each of them corresponds to a specific power, for example, think that yellow stones are useful to clarify important decisions, promote concentration, increase energy and even help to alleviate burnout symptoms, anxiety, nervousness and fatigue.

Even in the different local cultures yellow has taken on multiple meanings and values: in Japan, for example, it is the colour of courage, in many African countries it is linked to wealth and success, in India it is the colour of merchants. But it is the case of Thailand that is the most curious and particular: in the country of Southeast Asia yellow is considered a colour of good luck, especially on the first day of the week. It is a very popular colour especially because it is associated with King Bhumibol Adulyadej, ruler of the country from 1946 to 2016 and was born on Monday. During his reign, it was customary for many Thai people to wear something yellow on the first day of each week, to pay homage to the sovereign. And seen from a Western perspective, it seems that yellow has really managed to create magic: to make someone, or rather more than someone, appreciate “Mondays”.
The colour experts however have found that Yellow is the colour of immaturity and total confusion. Yellow makes one believe that he is in control even though all around him shows something different.
Yellow gives a false courage and it is a danger to society.
