18 June 2022
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By Farai D Hove | Vice President Constantino Chiwenga’s new wife, Col Miniothabo Baloyi is already plotting an escape from the January beast, Zim community whispers have suggested following a photograph of her reclining down with a suggestive sad face.

VP Chiwenga married his latest wife, his 4th in a row since independence, at a time when he is subjecting the mother of his other three children, Marry Mubaiwa, to public violence, which includes being barred from getting medical attention for her gruesome wounds that emerged from the June 2018 White City stadium bombing.

VP Chiwenga’s new wife is still to comment on allegations that she is thinking of escaping days after tying the knot: “Kumbunyikidzwa uko, akuna Mukadzi kwaye angada murume waaari kuona achishunhurudza mumwe Mukadzi zvakadaro Mary Mubayiwa. She’s thinking about the future ahead,” a topic raged on overnight Friday suggesting the general’s new wife is planning an escape.

The title is translated to: “She is being forced. There is no woman who will accept seeing another being subjected to the violence meted out against Marry Mubaiwa. She is thinking about the future ahead (an escape).

A snap survey over the VP’s exclusive interviews with ZimEye suggested that most women do not find the man to be husband material. Chiwenga has a history for the most brutal violence and he is also accused of grinding to dust the body of his love rival of many years, Gen Solomon Mujuru in 2011. Just in January 2019 when confronted by ZimEye after the gunning down of 17 people and raping of over 50 women, Chiwenga told this news network to ‘go report to the police if you have been shot at.’

We reproduce the full exclusive phonecall interview below:

Constantino Chiwenga spoke to ZimEye’s Simba Chikanza (SC) Tuesday 15th January in the morning.

SC: Good morning VP.
Chiwenga: Yes?
SC: Murikutaura naSimba Chikanza. (You are speaking with Simba Chikanza)
Chiwenga: Nani? ( with who?)
SC: NaSimba Chikanza ( With Simba Chikanza)
Chiwenga: Simba Chikanza?

SC: Yes sir, ndini ndakambokubatsirai last time ne nyaya yemudzimai uya wekuDomboshawa aiti akanga arohwa. ( I am the one who helped you with the case of that woman from Domboshawa who was alleging that she had been assaulted…  [BACKGROUND – 2 months before, an injured woman had requested Simba Chikanza access to speak with Chiwenga over an alleged assault matter by Chiwenga’s wife’s bodyguards]
Chiwenga: Akanga arohwa nani? ( Who had been assaulted by who?)
SC: Mudzimai uya aiti akanga arohwa nemaguards amai. (That woman who alleged that she had been beaten by Mrs Chiwenga’s guards).
Chiwenga: Wakataura neni? ( Did you talk to me?)
SC: Yes, Matondikanganwa? (Don’t you remember me?)
Chiwenga: Anyway ngatitaure hedu, hongu. (Anyway we can go ahead with the conversation).
SC: VP ndanetseka, ndiri kuona kuti internet yaitwa shut down on your instruction, yeEconet ne Net One. ( I am troubled. I can see that the internet has been shut down on your instruction.)
Chiwenga: Handizive, ndiani ari kutaura izvozvo? (I don’t know, who is saying that?)
SC: Eh itori shut down as we are speaking so , izvozvi. ( It is has been shut down even as we speak right now)

Chiwenga: No, I don’t know anything about that. Minister mambovafonera here kumanhingi kwacho? Mambotaura navo? ( Have you called the responsible minister? Have you spoken to him?
SC: Okay
Chiwenga: Hello?
SC: Variko maworkers vari kutaura kuti this is a government directive. ( The Workers there are saying this was a government directive)
Chiwenga: Ah, hatina chatinoziva. Hatiite directive yakadaro. Ende hatina capacity yekuitazvinhu zvakadaro. ( Ah, we don’t know anything about that. We don’t make such directives; and we have have no capacity to do that)
SC: Okay, yah, okay. Then pane mavideos akaita circulate nezuro of masoja, sorry, in this case not masoja but of varume vaiva vakabata maAK 47 nemassault rifles in civilian clothes. Vanhu vakapfurwa several and 5 have died so far. Makambonzwawo nezvawo? (What of the videos that were circulated yesterday of men in civilian clothes with AK 47s and other assault rifles. As a result people were shot, leaving 5 dead. Have you heard about them?)
Chiwenga: Asi mapfurwa? Endai kumapurisa ka monotaura nhingi izvozvo. Madarirei kudaro? Uri Simba Chipunza… uri kufona uri kupi? ( Who are you saying was shot? Why don’t you take such matters to the police then? Why are you doing this? You said you are Simba Chipunza, where are you calling from?)
SC: Ndiri kufona ndiri kuLondon. ( I am calling from London)
Chiwenga: Sorry! ..(hangs up)
SC: Hello! VP? VaChiwenga?
(Hello, VP? Mr Chiwenga?)