Winky D Resurrects Kaguvi Spirit On Mnangagwa’s Army Beatings Threat 24Hr
5 January 2023
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By A Correspondent | The people of Kuwadzana, Harare are some of the worst brutalised by soldiers in August 2018 when Emmerson Mnangagwa deployed the army to kill many while changing election results, and on the 4th August local clinics told of how military trucks would arrive at night and officers begin assaulting residents. Being reminded of these atrocities could not be any more hurting.

Winky D’s choice of an album release within 24hrs of the anniversary of ZANU PF leader Emmerson Mnangagwa’s 3rd January threats, has been praised for allegedly resurrecting the spirit of the slain King Kaguvi on the same day . Mnangagwa said he will re-deploy the army to assault the people of Kuwadzana upon discovering they have bad wishes of the nation’s rainfall (loosely translated to mean anyone stopping the rain).

Addressing Kuwadzana residents on 3rdJanuary 2020, Mnangagwa said, “Asi deno taiziva kuti vanhu vekuKuwadzana vasingade kuti mvura inaye taingoti army kombai tirove.” – once we discover that it is the people of Kuwadzana who are stopping the rain, we will (or will) deploy the army to surround them to assault them.” Directly translated VIDEO LOADING BELOW….