Madzibaba Makururu Joins Call To End Drug Abuse Among Youths
24 February 2023
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LEADER of Johanne the 5th of Africa Church Archbishop Andby Makururu has commended President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s call for stern measures to eradicate drug and substance abuse among the youths.

The Mutare-based cleric was speaking following the Robert Mugabe National Youth Day held on Tuesday where President Mnangagwa warned drug peddlers and users that their time was nigh.

In a statement, Madzibaba Andyby Makururu said as a church with a strong belief in Pan Africanism, it thinks drug abuse is a remnant of colonialism.”We won the war against imperialism easily but this war against drug abuse is a difficult one as it is self-inflicted.

“These exposure to drugs is Western-funded and as church we maintain that cleanliness is nearer to Godliness. Our young people should always have a clean mind,” said Madzibaba Makururu.

He went on to urge the youths to embrace the National Youth Day to remain focused in protecting the country’s sovereignty.

“Like what President Mnangagwa says ‘nyika inovakwa nevene vayo’, the youths should reflect on the Robert Mugabe National Youth Day to remain focused to be able to steer the country’s development,” he added.

His church has a philanthropy arm, Ruvheneko Rwenyenyedzi which he says is contemplating will built affordable drug rehabilitation centres.