Minister July Moyo’s Harare Parking Fines Unjustified
9 March 2023
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A CITY Park marshal came very close to being bashed by a motorist along Orr Street in Harare yesterday after he had clamped a vehicle.

The intervention of some members of the public saved the marshal.

The fracas attracted a number of onlookers, with many of them expressing reservations about the marshal’s use of obscene language.

The motorist questioned the marshal if it was lawful to clamp a vehicle, whose parking ticket had expired, by five minutes.

“You cannot clamp a vehicle, because of five minutes, unless you have legal powers to exert instant justice using by-laws of 1932.

“We have been told that you are just raising money to renovate Rufaro Stadium, but this must not inconvenience motorists,” the motorist said.

The City Park marshal responded by uttering unprintable words.

City Park joined Harare City Council police last month to enforce traffic laws within the capital’s CBD. -H Metro